2. Whispers or Loud Speech
When someone suffers from dysarthria, they may not recognize when they are speaking too loudly or too quietly. There can be a wide variation among dysarthria sufferers, with some unable to speak above a soft whisper and others incapable of lowering their voices below yelling.
If the underlying issue is a profound one, it may be difficult for them to realize that they are speaking at an inappropriate level or they may realize it and may not be able to control it without medication and therapy.
A whisper may be mistaken as the result of weakness or fatigue related to the health issue. However, the dysarthria sufferer may not be speaking quietly because they are tired or anxious, but because they cannot speak more loudly.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, a person who may be speaking loudly may not be anxious or angry, but may not be able to control their volume.