Cluster headaches are thankfully a very rare thing for someone to find themselves afflicted by. Research suggests that as few as 1 in 1000 people are affected by the condition.
Very little is known about the cause of cluster headaches, but there have been some suggestions that things like smoking and drinking increase the likelihood of someone being struck down with the condition. It is thought that cluster headaches are amongst the most painful types of headaches that anyone could be unfortunate enough to experience.
They are characterized by spells of agonizing head pain that can last anywhere up to a couple of weeks, with the sufferer only having a breath reprieve in the time between attacks.
Anyone affected by cluster headaches would be desperate to find out just how they can help address the pain and listed here are 8 of the more naturally focussed remedies for cluster headaches.
1. Drink Water
It might sound simple but believe it or not, the vast majority of people still don’t drink anywhere near as much water as is recommended to support a healthy lifestyle.
Proper hydration can keep so many illnesses at bay and doctors usually suggest that dehydration is the main reason why anyone would suffer from any kind of headache.
Cluster headaches fall into this category too and many people who suffer from the condition claim that when they ensure that their water intake is on point, they manage to avoid the full force of the horrible spells of head pains.
Drinking water might seem like a very simplistic and basic way to treat a condition such as cluster headaches but one shouldn’t underestimate the basics in any situation. Water certainly won’t cure cluster headaches, but it can go a long way to help arm a person accordingly so that they might keep the headaches at arm’s length.