2. Dust Mites
Dust mites are little creatures that live on the body or other surfaces. They can travel through the air on dust particles and are so small that they can easily be breathed into the lungs. When the dust mites enter the body, the body reacts.
Some people do not have allergic reactions to dust mites and others may have severe reactions. Even if a home or area appears to be clean or free of dust, there can still be dust mites in the air. The most common signs of dust mite allergies are a runny nose, hay fever, and rhinitis. There are medications that can help reduce the severity of these symptoms, and many people who suffer from the allergy are able to avoid dust to find some relief.
Dust mite allergies can occur at any time of the year, and people who suffer from other conditions such as asthma may be more susceptible to severe reactions.