The lower right region of your abdomen is where a portion of your colon resides. It is also the home of the right ovary for some women. There are various conditions that could lead to mild pain being generated in this area of the abdomen.
The pain that you feel in this area is most usually nothing serious and will subside within a couple of days even if left untreated. That said, if the discomfort that you feel in this region is persistent, it may be time to see your doctor.
Your doctor will be able to analyze the symptoms and make a formal diagnosis so that you may begin treatment if necessary. If the pain is severe and gradually increasing, you should call for paramedics or have someone drive you to the hospital immediately. Never attempt to drive yourself to the hospital as the pain may reach a point so severe that you end up in a car crash.
1. Gas
When air is in your digestive tract, it is referred to as intestinal gas. This is most often caused by food that is insufficiently broken down when it arrives at your colon. If the food is only mildly undigested, it will cause less gas, whereas food that is severely undigested will cause significantly more gas.
When gas builds up within your colon, it can cause bloating, abdominal pain, and the knotted feeling within your stomach that so many people dread. Farting and burping will often provide relief for intestinal gas. In fact, some people can even release gas up to two dozen times in a single day.
That said, excessive gas could also be caused by diabetes, lactose intolerance, or other digestive disorders. Indigestion will most often develop right after you drink or eat something. The pain will prominently take place in the upper abdomen but might also extend down to the lower abdomen in some cases.