Complex regional pain syndrome, more commonly referred to simply as CRPS, is a chronic condition that usually affects one of the limbs or an extremity; a leg, an arm, a hand, or afoot, for example. It usually sets in after an injury has been sustained in one of the limbs, such as a break or a sprain. It can occur after a heart attack or a stroke.
CRPS is believed to be an autoimmune disease, as the body seems to respond to something that it perceives as a threat in an atypical way. In an effort to protect the body from the perceived threat, the immune system goes into overdrive, which results in inflammation.
Certain foods can aggravate CRPS, as they can cause inflammation and make the pain even worse; therefore, medical experts recommend patients who are diagnosed with the condition to avoid eating certain things, including the following.
1. Processed meats.
Individuals who are diagnosed with CRPS should make an effort to reduce the amount of any type of meat that they eat, as all meats can cause inflammation; however, processed meats, in particular, should be avoided completely.
The reason? – Processed meats, such as bacon, deli meat, sausage, and ham, contain higher amounts of advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, than other types of meat. AGEs form when meat is cooked at a very high temperature. It has been proven that AGEs cause inflammation, which can further complicate the pain that someone who is suffering from CRPS experiences.
In addition to further complicating pain, processed meats can also increase the risk of various other issues, including colon cancer, stomach cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Therefore, it’s a good idea for anyone to minimize the intake of processed meats; specifically, those who are afflicted with complex regional pain syndrome.