Few things are as uncomfortable as a burning throat. When your throat hurts, it can make it hard to talk, eat, drink, and even breathe properly. Many people have a hard time even sleeping because their burning throat causes them so much discomfort. There are a lot of things that can cause a sore throat, but infections are usually the most likely cause. The symptoms that accompany a sore throat can help you determine the cause.
There are plenty of over the counter medications that can treat the symptoms of a sore throat. If there is an underlying cause or infection, the pain is likely to return if that is not treated.
If you have a burning throat accompanied by any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and a prescription that can help you get rid of the cause of the sore throat and prevent further complications.
1. Hoarseness
When you suffer from a sore or burning throat, you may also find that you suffer from hoarseness. Hoarseness means you are unable to speak or cannot speak loudly. Most people find that the more they strain to talk, the worse the hoarseness gets. The burning sensation in the throat can also get worse the more you talk. Hoarseness usually goes away after a few days, and there are some medications that can help treat it. You can also sip on warm liquids to help soothe the burning sensation in the throat and relieve hoarseness.
The best thing to do is try not to talk to make noise so your voice box and throat can both rest and heal. Some people experience hoarseness without a sore throat, and it may even last for days after the burning throat symptom is gone. Hoarseness that lasts more than a couple of weeks may be caused by something more serious.