Broca’s Aphasia is a condition that affects the part of the brain that is responsible for speech and communication. If this part of the brain becomes injured or damaged, it can prevent a person from speaking correctly. There are many things that can cause this condition, but some of the most common are injuries, birth defects, infections, and dementia.
Many people don’t realize they are suffering from the condition and feel like they are communicating properly when they aren’t. Some people experience the symptoms of Broca’s Aphasia gradually, and others may experience them suddenly.
In most cases, the symptoms come on mild but become more severe as the underlying cause of the condition worsens or if the person doesn’t seek help through therapy and rehabilitation. It can affect people of all ages but is more common in the elderly.
Some of the most common symptoms of the condition include the following.
1. Unable To Form Complete Sentences
People with this condition often have trouble forming complete sentences. They may seem like they are stuttering or take a minute to remember the word they want to say. Some people will say a couple of words of a sentence and then pause because they can’t come up with the words to finish it. Some people may also start to talk quickly at the beginning of a sentence and then slow down and eventually stop before they finish the thought.
Although they may know what they want to say, they are unable to find the words to do it. Some people may also use the wrong words or even use words that sound similar to the correct word, but have a different meaning.
They may try to repeat the sentence properly many times before they are able to do so. Some people are able to eventually make it through a sentence while others grow frustrated for simply can’t do it.