Schistosomiasis is a rare disease that only occurs in tropical and subtropical regions. It’s an infection that doesn’t happen that often in America. In fact, there are less than 20,000 cases reported each year. Schistosomiasis occurs when a person got into infected water in tropical and subtropical regions.
The freshwater has parasitic worms, urine, and feces that came from animals and infected people in the area. Once contact is made with the skin, it enters the bloodstream and after a while, symptoms will occur. Infected people in the region continue to use the water because they are unable to get clean water.
Symptoms usually appear a couple of months after being in contact with the infected water. Once the symptoms appear, it’s important to seek medical attention right away because the infection won’t go away on its own. It needs to be treated with the right medication, which will clear the infection in one to two days.
1. Abdominal pain in the liver and spleen is a universal symptom.
Since the infection gets into the bloodstream, it can travel to the other organs. If you decide to not a treatment for it, it’ll cause your liver and spleen to stop working, which can cause death. The abdominal pain will become intense that it’ll cause you to not be able to leave the house. In fact, you won’t be able to get out of bed.
The only way to get relief is by visiting the emergency room where they will examine and to blood and do imaging tests. They will be able to tell what is going on with your spleen and liver. If it has become serious, you’ll need to stay in the hospital for a while to do more tests.
The doctors will try to get your liver and spleen back to where it needs to be. You may need to take additional medication to help with your organs.