If you’re suffering from obesity, depression, stress, heart problems, or joint pain, you should try walking more as it may be the solution to all your health issues. The Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise journal stated that walking can reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases.
Furthermore, most physicians favor walking for exercise over-running due to the fact that it is a low-impact exercise thus making it far less punishing on the joints and heart. Walking yields various health benefits regardless of how old or fit someone might be. It can also reduce the odds of developing various diseases and extend your lifespan.
Walking is one exercise that won’t cost you anything beyond time seeing as it requires no equipment and can be performed regardless of where you might be in any given moment. Here are eight of the best benefits that you can reap just by walking more.
1. Improves Heart Health
Walking can help you make your heart healthier. Some scientists in Ireland have said that the best exercise is walking for those who are sedentary. This is especially true for adults. They reported that walking will significantly reduce the odds of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Another study that was published in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society stated that both women and men that were aged 65 years or more would be at lower risk for cardiovascular disease if they walk for no less than four hours each week. If you want to ward off any heart diseases and even the possibility of a stroke, be sure to get four hours or more of walking time in any given week.
Heart diseases can be very expensive to treat, not to mention deadly. Heart attacks are a top cause of death all around the world, so if you can add a decade or two to your life just by walking more, you’d have to be insane to not do it.