{"id":1269,"date":"2017-11-17T07:27:42","date_gmt":"2017-11-17T07:27:42","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=1269"},"modified":"2021-03-15T21:04:02","modified_gmt":"2021-03-15T21:04:02","slug":"30-amazing-benefits-lemon-water","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/30-amazing-benefits-lemon-water\/","title":{"rendered":"30 Amazing Benefits of Lemon Water"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"There are many experts including nutritionists and doctors who are encouraging people to start drinking lemon juice or lemon water because lemons are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to neutralize the free radicals in the body. Free radicals in the body may lead to many different types of diseases including cancer.<\/p>\n

Lemon juice has an alkalizing effect on the body which greatly helps to balance the pH levels within the body. The little lemon has a big nutritional punch. It is a good source of antioxidants. These antioxidants help to neutralize the free radicals from oxidizing cells. In addition, it helps to stimulate the digestive system and flushes out toxins that are in the body.<\/p>\n

If you are already enjoying the cleansing, tangy, and refreshing taste that lemon water has to offer, you are already on your way to better health. If you have not tried this refreshing and incredibly detoxifying drink yet, now is a good time to start. As you will see throughout this article, there are many great health benefits offered from drinking lemon water every day.<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s take a look at 30 of the amazing benefits that lemon water has to offer.<\/p>\n

1. Replaces Electrolytes<\/h3>\n

Lemon water can replace electrolytes<\/a> just as well if not better than many of the commercial electrolyte drinks that are on the market. If you work out, a replenishing workout drink that does not contain fructose or come with a high price tag is just what you need. Simply mix some water, lemon, a bit of sugar and salt, and you will have a great drink for after your workout that is both natural and healthy for you. In addition, this mixture will help ensure that you are properly hydrated after your workout.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. Helps with Symptoms of Asthma<\/h3>\n

Lemons<\/a> are rich in vitamin C and research has shown that a low intake of vitamin C during childhood can increase a child\u2019s risk of developing asthma. If you or any of your family members have been diagnosed with asthma, drinking lemon water can be a part of your medically arranged treatment plan.<\/p>\n

Lemon water in combination with eating other types of citrus fruits may help reduce your asthma symptoms and lower your risk of having asthma attacks as often. It should not replace your medical treatments, but it can definitely be worth using as a supplement.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. Improves Eye Health of Diabetics<\/h3>\n

People who are diagnosed with diabetes<\/a> face many health risks. This disease can cause all sorts of problems within the body including your eye health. One study has shown that the flavonoids that are found in lemons as well as other fruits and vegetables can help prevent cataracts from forming in the eyes.<\/p>\n

This is a really great benefit as cataracts can cause a person to develop blurry vision and overtime may even lead to blindness. Cataracts are a degenerative eye condition that anyone can develop, even those without diabetes, so drinking lemon water for your eye health is helpful for everyone.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels<\/h3>\n

Lemons contain bioflavonoids that are a kind of antioxidant<\/a> that have many great benefits. There has been research that shows that two of the bioflavonoids that are found in lemons can help to significantly reduce blood sugar levels.<\/p>\n

In addition, these bioflavonoids that are in lemons and other citrus fruits may help blood sugars in other ways including how it is stored in the liver and in the muscles.<\/p>\n

This can be extremely helpful for people who have impaired blood sugar levels and with people who have diabetes as eating lemons or drinking lemon water can help keep their blood sugar levels in check.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. Prevention of Kidney Stones<\/h3>\n

If you have ever experienced kidney stones you already know that they can be extremely painful. There are some people who are at a higher risk of developing kidney stones than others. Diosmin is a flavanone antioxidant that is found in lemons.<\/p>\n

This antioxidant can help decrease phosphorus<\/a> and urinary calcium in the kidneys. In addition, it can help increase the volume of urine as well as serum calcium levels. This all helps to ease pressure from the kidneys, which in turn can reduce the chances of kidney stones developing.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. Heart Health<\/h3>\n

Lemon water is a good source of potassium<\/a>, which is a vital mineral that plays an important role in many bodily functions. One of the most important reasons to make sure that you are getting enough potassium each day is because this mineral plays an important part in helping the muscles that surround the heart function properly.<\/p>\n

When the muscles of the heart are functioning properly they will be able to get blood to the entire body with ease. Keeping the blood flowing to and from the heart is important as it will make you feel much better overall.<\/p>\n

Drinking at least one cup of lemon water a day can help provide you with the potassium you need to maintain your heart health.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. Breast Cancer Treatment Support<\/h3>\n

For those who are being treated for breast cancer<\/a>, drinking a glass of refreshing lemon water can help you during the recovery process. The dietary flavones and flavanones that are found in lemon juice have been shown to inhibit aromatase.<\/p>\n

Aromatase is an enzyme and inhibiting its production is one of the major strategies of treating patients who have breast cancer.<\/p>\n

Drinking lemon water can help you heal faster and simply feel better when you are undergoing your medically recommended treatment plan that has been designed by your team of doctors. Since lemon juice is a natural substance it is typically considered to be safe to consume at all times, no matter what the rest of your treatment entails.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. Soothes Sore Throats<\/h3>\n

One of the absolute best ways to soothe a sore throat<\/a> is to drink some lemon water that is mixed with honey. When you have congestion in your throat, drinking lemon water can help clear out any mucus that is remaining in the area.<\/p>\n

In addition, the lemon water will help kill the bacteria that may have been causing your throat to be sore. Adding honey to the water will help soothe any itchy and scratchiness and also provides an antibacterial.<\/p>\n

This can even be a great thing to drink to help soothe your throat when it is simply dry, especially during those long winter months.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. Fights off Colds and Flu<\/h3>\n

If you are suffering from a cold, drinking lemon water with honey<\/a> added to it can be very beneficial. Drinking lemon water while you are sick provides a great way to stay hydrated.<\/p>\n

In addition, the vitamin C that is found in lemon water will help support your immunity system, which will be battling off the illness. Adding honey to your lemon water will help provide you with a bit of a boost of vitality and energy when you are feeling ill. I<\/p>\n

n addition, the honey as well as the lemon will help to fight off any bacteria that is in your system and may be causing the illness.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. Lemon Water and Losing Weight<\/h3>\n

If you attempting to prevent weight gain<\/a> or fat build up, adding a lemon peel into your room temperature lemon water is recommended. There has been a study conducted that showed that the polyphenols that are found within the peels of a lemon prevented weight increases and fat gain in mice when it was tested over a three month period.<\/p>\n

The lemon polyphenols targeted the white adipose tissue. This is the less beneficial type of fat that is found within our bodies. While there is no proof that drinking water will help you lose weight, this study shows that it may be able to help keep you from gaining unnecessary weight.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. Good for Cleansing the Digestive Tract<\/h3>\n

Citric acid<\/a> is something that is found in lemon juice as well as other citrus fruits. It is what gives these fruits a bit of a sour tang. In addition, citric acid is what is used in a solution that is given to people in order to help clear their bowels before they undergo a colonoscopy.<\/p>\n

For this reason, if you are feeling bloated or if you have not had a good bowel movement in awhile, drinking lemon water can help. It contains citric acid, which plays a role in cleaning the bowels and the entire digestive system.12. Scurvy Prevention<\/p>\n

Scurvy<\/a> is a disease that is often associated with sailors who would travel the seas for long amounts of time more than a hundred years ago. However, in reality, scurvy is a disease that still appears in today\u2019s modern society.<\/p>\n

Typically, scurvy will occur in individuals who do not have access to fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, such as lemons and oranges. Low income families, those who live on ships, and college students are most at risk for developing scurvy.<\/p>\n

Drinking just one or two glasses of lemon water each day can help keep this nasty disease away.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. Reduces Vision Loss Related to Aging<\/h3>\n

As we get older our bodies tend to lose function in a number of ways. For some people this may include the loss of basic functions such as their vision. However, taking in enough vitamin C can help reduce the opacity of the eyes.<\/p>\n

This means that drinking lemon water can help you keep clearer vision for a longer time. While taking a vitamin C supplement can be effective, drinking lemon<\/a> water is a natural way to get some vitamin C in your diet to help with your vision.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. Helps Fight Cancer Cells<\/h3>\n

There have been several studies that have shown that the flavonoids<\/a> that are found in lemons and other citrus fruits can help prevent cancer. This research has shown that taking in these flavonoids through your diet may reduce your risk of developing tumors in the colon, breast, prostate, lungs, and pancreas.<\/p>\n

Drinking at least one or two glasses of lemon water each day plus eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can provide a good defense against developing several different types of cancer and improve your general health overall.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. Fights Infections<\/h3>\n

If you find that you are getting sick quite often from infections<\/a> or other illnesses, chances are you do not have enough vitamin C in your diet.<\/p>\n

Studies have shown that not taking in enough vitamin C can increase the risk of infections such as diarrhea, malaria, and pneumonia. Drinking lemon water on a regular basis will provide you with a good source of vitamin C.<\/p>\n

When you are taking in enough vitamin C you will be helping your body fight off these infections and you will likely find that you are sick less often.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. Depression<\/h3>\n

Many people do not realize that lemon water can actually help boost their mood. The scent of lemon first thing in the morning as you add it to your water can actually help you wake up and start your day in a better mood.<\/p>\n

Research shows that the smell of citrus can help ease some of the symptoms of depression. It may also help prevent the weakening of immunity function, which often occurs in people who suffer from depression.<\/p>\n

The scent of citrus was found to be quite effective at improving immune function and relieving stress, even more so than most anti-depressants<\/a>.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. Healthy Form of Hydration<\/h3>\n

It is no secret that taking in a good amount of fluid and keeping the body properly hydrated<\/a> are important when it comes to your overall health. However, most people struggle to get in the recommended amount of water every day.<\/p>\n

Adding a bit of lemon to your water will make it taste better as well as provide many useful antioxidants and vitamins. Simply adding a bit of lemon can make the water more appealing to drink, which will often make it that much easier to get in the recommended amounts of water that they need to stay properly hydrated.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. Metabolism Boost<\/h3>\n

Drinking water and lemon water can help increase a person\u2019s metabolism<\/a>. When you increase your metabolism you are more likely to lose weight. Drinking lemon water can help you feel full for longer after meals.<\/p>\n

When you drink lemon water you will replenish electrolytes that you may have lost during a workout as well.<\/p>\n

Essentially, drinking lemon water is the healthiest thing that you can drink throughout the day as it is all natural and provides you with proper hydration as well as many useful vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. Neutralizes Free Radicals<\/h3>\n

Chances are that you have heard about antioxidants<\/a> and their benefits. However, most people do not fully understand why antioxidants are good for them. In essence, antioxidants, such as those found in lemon juice will neutralize free radicals found in the body.<\/p>\n

Free radicals are compounds that can cause damage to the tissue in the body and this damage can result in cancers forming, heart disease, and other illnesses.<\/p>\n

The antioxidants that are found in lemon water are effective at targeting these compounds and thus help to prevent many of the diseases that they cause.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. Keeps Bones, Teeth, and Cartilage Healthy<\/h3>\n

In addition to being a very important antioxidant and helping the immune system work properly, the vitamin C<\/a> found in lemon juice also plays a role in keeping your bones and cartilage strong and healthy.<\/p>\n

This is not something that many people know about vitamin C, but it is a vitamin that plays an important role in helping keeping your teeth and bones strong.<\/p>\n

Vitamin C also helps to keep the cartilage found in your ears, nose, and other areas of the body healthy, which makes this one of the most important vitamins that your body needs.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. Younger Looking Skin<\/h3>\n

If you are struggling with any type of skin issues, drinking lemon water can help clear up any acne and other impurities that are found on your face and other areas of your skin. Lemon water helps to flush out toxins from the body and helps the skin look fresh and hydrated.<\/p>\n

In addition, Vitamin C helps promote the healthy production of collagen. Collagen<\/a> is responsible for keeping your skin tight and springy.<\/p>\n

This means that drinking lemon water can help prevent wrinkles from forming and your skin from sagging.<\/p>\n

22. Helps Heal Wounds<\/h3>\n

As mentioned, vitamin C helps improve collagen production. For this reason, drinking lemon water and getting enough vitamin C can also help heal wounds more quickly.<\/p>\n

If your skin<\/a> is wounded it is important that it heals quickly in order to prevent scarring and infections from occurring. It supplements collagen synthesis and will stimulate the formation of the skin barrier.<\/p>\n

At a wound site vitamin C will be used up quickly, so it is important to make sure that you increase the amount of Vitamin C that you are taking in if you have a wound.<\/p>\n

\"\"23. Reduces Uric Acid Levels<\/h3>\n

Gout<\/a> can be a painful condition and is caused by having an excess amount of uric acid within the body. It has been found that the juice from lemons can help reduce the amount of serum uric acid in the body.<\/p>\n

It can also be useful for other gout treatments and uric acid treatments that a person may be on. If you are on a regular treatment plan for gout, drinking lemon water can be a useful addition to any type of medicine that you may already be taking.<\/p>\n

\"\"24. UV Protection<\/h3>\n

Skin cancer is a common occurrence among people of all ages<\/a>. This is especially true for people who live near the equator or in areas that are sunny year round. For this reason, protecting your skin from the sun is very important.<\/p>\n

In addition to the normal use of sunscreen, hats, and shelter for protection, the food and drinks that you take in can help as well. Antioxidants such as vitamin C can help protect your skin from damage to the cells that is caused by UVB radiation.<\/p>\n

Not only does lemon water protect against skin cancer, but it also helps reduce wrinkles that are caused by the sun.<\/p>\n

\"\"25. Helps Stave off Hunger<\/h3>\n

Do you have a problem with overeating? Perhaps sometimes you feel like you are never full. You may snack or eat all day long. If this sounds familiar, drinking lemon water throught the day can help you feel fuller for longer. This can help prevent weight gain<\/a> as it will provide you with an alternative to snacking all day.<\/p>\n

Drinking a no calorie drink such as lemon water can help you consume fewer calories throughout the day and even during meals. This is in comparison with drinking higher calorie beverages that do not prevent weight gain or overeating.<\/p>\n

\"\"26. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease<\/h3>\n

When you do not drink enough throughout the day you run the risk of becoming dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, your blood<\/a> becomes thicker as there is not enough liquid to help thin it out.<\/p>\n

When your blood is thick it is harder for it to get to where it needs to go and thus increases your chance of developing heart disease or having a heart attack. Sipping on lemon water throughout the day will help to increase the amount of fluid that you are taking in.<\/p>\n

This prevents you from becoming dehydrated, and thus will lower your risk for developing heart disease.<\/p>\n

\"\"27. Great for your Liver<\/h3>\n

The liver<\/a> is a very important organ in the body. The main responsibility of the liver is to get rid of harmful toxins from the body and to make sure that your blood is detoxified before going to other parts of the body. Glutathione plays a very important role in this detoxification process in the liver.<\/p>\n

Vitamin C, which is found in lemon water helps promote the production of Glutathione, thus making the job of the liver that much easier and when the liver is doing its job of getting rid of toxins, you are going to be feeling much better.<\/p>\n

\"\"28. Provides Potassium<\/h3>\n

Lemon water is an excellent source of potassium<\/a>. Potassium is needed in order for your body to function properly. A shortage of potassium can cause all sorts of health issues such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, digestive disorders, arthritis, and even infertility.<\/p>\n

For this reason it is important to make sure that you are getting enough potassium in your diet.<\/p>\n

Simply drinking at least one glass of lemon water each day ensures that you are taking in potassium and helps reduce your risk of all of the above diseases.<\/p>\n

\"\"29. Urinary Tract Infections<\/h3>\n

A urinary tract infection<\/a> can be quite irritating and very uncomfortable. In addition, if a urinary tract infection is not properly treated it can turn into a kidney infection that may end up being life threatening. One of the best ways to prevent urinary tract infections is to drink a glass of lemon water each day.<\/p>\n

Drinking lemon water will reduce the risk of developing kidney diseases and it also improves fluid intake, which is important in terms of kidney function. Keeping your kidneys functioning properly is important for your overall health.<\/p>\n

\"\"30. Diabetes Management<\/h3>\n

Throwing a lemon peel into your glass of lemon water is a good idea if you are diabetic or even if you are not diabetic and simply want to keep your blood sugars in check.<\/p>\n

The compounds that are found in the peel of a lemon will reduce glucose<\/a> levels in several areas of the body including the nerves, eyes, and parts of the kidney.<\/p>\n

Each of these areas is susceptible to damage caused by diabetes. This means that the compounds from the lemon peel may reduce diabetic complications and improve your health in general.<\/p>\n

