{"id":1879,"date":"2018-06-08T07:23:34","date_gmt":"2018-06-08T07:23:34","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=1879"},"modified":"2021-03-17T15:42:57","modified_gmt":"2021-03-17T15:42:57","slug":"13-natural-ways-to-relieve-sjogrens-syndrome-symptoms","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/13-natural-ways-to-relieve-sjogrens-syndrome-symptoms\/","title":{"rendered":"13 Natural Ways to Relieve Sjogren’s Syndrome Symptoms"},"content":{"rendered":"


Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s syndrome affects an estimated 7 million people in the United States, with over 3 million confirmed diagnoses. This autoimmune disease disrupts the normal function of the tear ducts and salivary glands with almost 90% of confirmed cases occurring in women.<\/p>\n

Symptoms include cottonmouth, dry eyes, persistent fatigue, and chronic inflammatory distress. Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome is particularly hard to diagnose, with the average case only reaching a confirmed diagnosis after three years of consultation and treatment.<\/p>\n

If left untreated, the disease can lead to potentially serious complications, including the development of cystic lung disease, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, lymphoma, and amyloidosis. The exact causes of Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome remain unknown. However, medical professionals have some agreement on the fact that genetics may play a role in its development.<\/p>\n

There is no cure for this autoimmune disease. However, in some cases, individuals can experience relief or even remission from the symptoms with changes to nutrition and lifestyle.<\/p>\n

Here are 13 natural ways to relieve the typical symptoms of Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome.<\/p>\n

1. Soothe Dry Lips<\/h3>\n

Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome<\/a> reduces saliva production, and this adds up to dry chapped lips. Keep your lips moist and soft using this home recipe for lip balm. Apply it generously whenever you feel your lips drying out and make sure you coat your lips thoroughly before going to bed to ensure they stay hydrated throughout the night.<\/p>\n

Coconut Lip Balm Recipe<\/p>\n

\u2022 1 tablespoon extra-virgin coconut oil<\/p>\n

\u2022 1-2 drops tea tree oil<\/p>\n

Blend the oils until the tea tree is distributed evenly in the coconut oil. When blended correctly, the oil leaves a very slight tingling sensation on the lips. The healthy monounsaturated fat and plant-based phytonutrients found in the coconut oil hydrate your lips, and the anti-microbial and antibacterial properties of tea tree oil protect from infections like cold sores.<\/p>\n

For those that have coconut allergies, or find the strong scent of tea tree unappealing, try mixing a home lip balm made of raw honey and Vaseline. This recipe has the same hydrating and anti-microbial properties as the coconut oil and tea tee blend.<\/p>\n


2. Refresh Dry Eyes<\/h3>\n

Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome dries out the tear ducts, reducing levels of lubrication in the eye socket. Dry eyes lead to rubbing, itching<\/a>, and disruptions in vision. Injuries to the cornea can occur from persistently scratching dry eyes. Therefore, its best to keep the eyes lubricated with a natural eye drop solution.<\/p>\n

Dab your finger in some extra-virgin coconut oil and lightly coat the inside of your eyelids and tear ducts. Use only enough to moisturize the sensitive skin around the eye. If you use too much oil, press your eye into a soft paper towel to remove the excess.<\/p>\n

Over-use of pharmaceutical eye drops can damage your vision. Ask your local homeopathic center about a natural, organic eye drop solution to help you manage the symptoms of dry eyes. Research shows links between the consumption of Omega-3 essential fatty acids and improved skin health. Add a tablespoon of cod live oil to your daily diet to benefit from the moisturizing effect of DHA and EPA essential fatty acids.<\/p>\n


\"\"3. Eradicate Oral Thrush<\/h3>\n

Overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans accumulates in the mouth and spreads to tonsils, the roof of the mouth, gums, and the back of the throat. The yeast infection<\/a> leaves white mucous lesions, redness and even bleeding. If left untreated, oral candidiasis weakens the immune system and increases the chances of developing more serious diseases.<\/p>\n

Oral thrush is a communicable disease, and it can spread from one person to another through contact with body fluids and saliva. Adults can pass it back and forth with each other and pregnant women can pass it down to their unborn children.<\/p>\n

To treat candida infection with a natural remedy, mix 6 to 10 drops of cinnamon oil with some green tea and lemon zest. Add one tablespoon of raw honey to the beverage and drink it as hot as possible. The anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties of the ingredients combat candida infection and prevent its reoccurrence.<\/p>\n


4. Relieve Cotton Mouth<\/h3>\n

It\u2019s important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Avoid all sodas, coffee<\/a>, and alcoholic beverages as the ingredients will increase the symptoms of dry mouth. Drink at least 8 to 10 8oz glasses of water during the day and try to avoid drinking and water or tea an hour before your bedtime to prevent interrupted sleep.<\/p>\n

The catechins found in green tea provide your body with a dose of phytonutrient antioxidant compounds that eliminate free radicals from the blood and prevent drying of the eyes. Avoid eating foods that dry out your mouth. Opt for soups, smoothies, and broths instead of chalky foods that improve saliva flow.<\/p>\n

Acupuncture therapy shows promising results in relieving the symptoms of xerostomia, or dry mouth. Studies published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation show that low-frequency electro-acupuncture and manual acupuncture provided long-lasting effects in alleviating the symptoms of cottonmouth. Keep herbal lozenges on hand to improve saliva flow while you\u2019re commuting or without access to water.<\/p>\n


5. Hydrate the Skin, Clear the Sinus, and Soothe a Sore Throat<\/h3>\n

Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome dries out your eyes, your skin, and your mouth. Combat this intense feeling of dehydration<\/a> with a home humidifier solution. A humidifier works by releasing water vapor into the air to increase the relative humidity of the room.<\/p>\n

This device is especially useful for people that live at high altitudes or arid, dry environments and suffer from the dehydrating effect of Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome. Running the humidifier in your bedroom overnight improves the therapeutic value and quality of your sleep.<\/p>\n

Add some extra medicinal punch to your humidifier by adding a few drops of essential oils to the water. Tea tree oil and lavender oil have refreshing and restorative effects on the body, add a few drops of each to the water to keep your skin hydrated, your sinus clear, and your upper-respiratory-tract free from infection. Experiment with different combinations and create your custom therapeutic cocktail of essential oils for your humidifier.<\/p>\n


6. Reduce and Prevent Systemic Inflammation<\/h3>\n

Your diet plays a critical role in determining your physical and mental health. A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates, bad fats, and processed foods creates significant amounts of inflammation in the digestive system. These foods create an inflammatory response in the walls of the intestine, preventing the efficient assimilation of nutrients by gut biomes.<\/p>\n

This inflammation spreads to every other biological system in the body. The skeletal system experiences bone and joint inflammation<\/a> which can increase the symptoms of diseases like osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The muscular system experiences cramping and reduced recovery time from exercise stress. The nervous system, cardiovascular system, and brain are all affected by elevated levels of systemic inflammation.<\/p>\n

Remove all processed foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates like flour from your diet. Replace them with smarter food choices that decrease systemic inflammation and improve gastrointestinal health. Add Omega-3 essential fatty acids to your diet, supplanting with a tablespoon of cod liver oil every day provides you with the anti-inflammatory benefits of Omega-3 EFA\u2019s.<\/p>\n


7. Improve Your Dental Health<\/h3>\n

Dry mouth experienced by those living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome has the potential to damage the gums and tooth enamel, inviting gum disease and tooth decay. The lack of saliva means that the mouth may not be able to efficiently clear away food particles after a meal, resulting in bad breath from food rotting in-between the teeth.<\/p>\n

Make sure that your dentist has experience in understanding the oral hygiene needs of Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome patients. Your dentist should be able to give you advice on how to manage your oral care while living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome.<\/p>\n

Practicing coconut oil pulling each day detoxifies the mouth from any bacteria or infection<\/a>. Look for a toothpaste product with natural ingredients and avoid the chemical compounds found in most commercial toothpaste brands. Good dental hygiene starts with supporting the mouth and body from the inside and out. Fix your diet and remove any foods that can adversely affect your oral health.<\/p>\n


8. Add Additional Vitamin C to Your Diet<\/h3>\n

The innate immune system<\/a> consists of mainly white blood cells and fights the majority of infectious diseases. The adaptive immune system comprises of T and B-lymphocytes that aid the innate immune system if it becomes overly stressed with fighting off infection.<\/p>\n

Vitamin C helps us avoid infection and subsequent immune system complications. White blood cells and interferons demand a lot of vitamin C which can increase white blood cell count. Microphages, (white blood cells) protect the upper-respiratory tract from airborne viruses and germs, and these macrophages are dependent on Vitamin C. Interferons rely on Vitamin C for enhanced cell communication and new cell generation while blocking the ability of a virus to replicate within the body.<\/p>\n

People living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome have exposure to a higher risk of infection. Taking Vitamin C helps your body fight off diseases, like conjunctivitis, by strengthening your immune system and protecting your eyes and sinus from infection.<\/p>\n


9. Supplement with Vitamin D<\/h3>\n

This compound is actually a pro-hormone, not a vitamin. The body is unable to produce its own Vitamin D<\/a>. Therefore, it must be consumed through exogenous sources such as supplements. However, the body can synthesize Vitamin D from sunlight via the skin.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s possible to generate enough vitamin D through sun exposure to meet your daily requirement, but you\u2019ll need to expose your entire upper body to the sunlight for at least 15 minutes every day. If you live in a climate with poor sunlight conditions, consider supplementing with Vitamin D to meet your daily needs.<\/p>\n

Vitamin D is essential for optimal health, and a deficiency in the compound could create health complications for people living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome. Individuals with a Vitamin D deficiency have a higher risk of developing lymphoma and neuropathy. These are potentially life-threatening chronic diseases, protect your immune system by consuming Vitamin D-rich foods like salmon, eel, wild halibut, and mackerel.<\/p>\n


10. Try a Steam Bath<\/h3>\n

People living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome should consider taking a regular steam bath two or three times a week. Extended exposure to the hot steam for periods of twenty to thirty minutes clears the sinus and ocular cavity. A steam session opens your skin’s pores, flushing toxins from the body that are trapped in and under the epidermis<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Steaming improves circulation, especially in the body\u2019s extremities, and helps filter out accumulated environmental and dietary toxins. Studies show that regular steam baths lead to lower blood pressure and a healthier cardiovascular system. The soothing steam clears congestion in the sinus and lungs, helping the body recover from upper-respiratory-tract infections faster. As a matter of courtesy, avoid public steam baths and steam rooms if you are dealing with a contagious disease like the flu.<\/p>\n

The core advantage of steam rooms for Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome patients is the hydrating effect on the skin and eyes. However, steaming boosts immune function as well, making it a valuable therapy for anyone living with an autoimmune disease like Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s.<\/p>\n


11. Eat Healthy Fats<\/h3>\n

It\u2019s necessary to avoid refined carbohydrates if you\u2019re living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome. Replace them with good food choices like healthy fats found in wild salmon, avocados, and nuts. These nutrient-dense foods contain monounsaturated fats, long chains of fat molecules with a double-bond. This double bond makes them break down slowly in the gut, providing a sustaining release of metabolic energy.<\/p>\n

Monounsaturated fats improve your blood cholesterol<\/a> profile, reducing the production of LDL and increasing HDL (good cholesterol). This effect improves cardiovascular efficiency and circulation which has a positive impact on the hydration of your skin. To reap the health benefits of monounsaturated fats, include foods like extra-virgin olive oil, grass-fed butter, and seeds to your diet.<\/p>\n

Deepwater fishes like tuna and mackerel are rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. If you don\u2019t like the taste of fish, purchase a flavored cod liver oil supplement from your health store. Omega-3 EFA\u2019s become rancid when exposed to heat, so keep your bottle of cod liver oil in the fridge.<\/p>\n


12. Relieve Stress<\/h3>\n

The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and regulate the production of critical adrenaline-like hormones<\/a> and cortisol. When mental or physical environmental demands overly stress the body, it releases cortisol to help the body deal with the stress. Hormone imbalances can create deficiencies or over-production of cortisol, resulting in the onset of autoimmune diseases like Addison\u2019s and adrenal fatigue.<\/p>\n

People living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome need to manage their cortisol levels carefully. Too much cortisol in the blood exasperates the symptoms of dry skin, dry eyes, and cottonmouth. Relieve as much stress from your life as possible and avoid placing yourself in stressful situations.<\/p>\n

You can relieve stress using meditation. Take 5 minutes of your day and find a comfortable, quiet room where you won\u2019t be disturbed. Sit upright on the floor, or in a chair, and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and focus on making your mind clear.<\/p>\n


13. Consult with Professionals<\/h3>\n

Speak with your doctor before you implement any of these strategies to help you cope with managing the symptoms<\/a> of Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome. Inform them of any changes in diet, or supplements you intend on using. If they approve your new diet and lifestyle changes, create a journal to log your experience with your new strategy.<\/p>\n

Write down the changes you make every day. Log the food you eat, the beverages you drink, meal timing, as well as your feeling of physical and mental well-being. This kind of detailed information helps your doctor understand your body\u2019s response to the changes and assists them, and you, with identifying what works and what doesn\u2019t.<\/p>\n

If you struggle with building a meal plan that avoids carbohydrates and includes healthy fats, visit a nutritionist for guidance. A professional nutritionist will work with you to improve your diet and your health. Living with Sj\u00f6gren\u2019s Syndrome is an inconvenience, but with the right strategy and professional help, your quality of life can improve.<\/p>\n\r\n
