{"id":2022,"date":"2018-07-14T07:03:42","date_gmt":"2018-07-14T07:03:42","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=2022"},"modified":"2021-03-18T18:51:26","modified_gmt":"2021-03-18T18:51:26","slug":"14-impressive-health-benefits-of-walnuts","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/14-impressive-health-benefits-of-walnuts\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Impressive Health Benefits of Walnuts"},"content":{"rendered":"


Walnuts once had a bad rap because they have a high calorie and fat content. However, recently it has been found that these assumptions are false. These nuts are packed with healthy fats, vitamins, antioxidants, protein, fiber, and trace minerals, which makes them a superfood. These nuts also have a small amount of sodium, are free of cholesterol, and contain polyunsaturated or good fats instead of monounsaturated fats.<\/p>\n

All in all, eating walnuts on a regular basis is a good idea. These special nuts contain more health benefits than harm and are a wonderful source of protein, which can make you feel fuller for longer. In fact, the number of health benefits of these nuts are many. In fact, there are many proven health benefits of these nuts that you may not even realize. Let\u2019s take a closer look at some of the many impressive health benefits that walnuts have to offer.<\/p>\n

1. Memory Enhancement<\/h3>\n

As we age our memories start to go. It is just a fact of life and something that almost everyone has to deal with at some point in time. Even if you are younger, chances are that you have found yourself forgetting things that you might not have before. If you are suffering from a poor memory, adding walnuts to your diet can help. Walnuts contain Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.<\/p>\n

Both of these fatty acids have been proven to help improve memory and cognitive function. In addition to omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, walnuts also contain selenium and iodine<\/a>. Both of these help to ensure optimum function of the brain. These nutrients not only can help to improve your memory, but can also help treat cognitive disorders such as epilepsy and dementia. If you are struggling with cognitive function or notice that you are having more frequent lapses in memory, eating some walnuts can help. <\/p>\n


2. Depression Prevention<\/h3>\n

For those who suffer from depression<\/a>, there is some good news. While many people who suffer from this disorder will often turn to prescription medications and mood enhancers for help, there are some natural alternatives available that can help as well. Eating a healthy diet is a good start to help battle your symptoms of depression. Studies have shown that having low amounts of omega 3 fatty acids in your system can be one of the causes of depression symptoms.<\/p>\n

Since omega 3 fatty acids are great for the brain, it makes sense that eating this impressive food can help with depression. When your body does not have enough omega 3 fatty acids it can cause irritability, hyperactivity, and even tantrums. Adding walnuts to a child\u2019s diet can help to alleviate their mood. If you suffer from PTSD, depression, or any other type of mood disorder, try adding some walnuts to your diet to help boost your omega 3 fatty acid levels as this can go along way to help. <\/p>\n


3. Improve Fertility<\/h3>\n

If you and your spouse are struggling to get pregnant, adding some walnuts to your diet can be beneficial. While it is not guaranteed that you will be able to get pregnant by adding walnuts to your regular diet, it can definitely improve your overall odds. This is because eating walnuts can actually improve the motility and vitality of sperm. In addition, eating walnuts may help to prevent abnormal sperm growth or sperm morphology. This can go a long way when you are trying to get pregnant.<\/p>\n

As sperm quantity, quality, motility, and vitality are improved getting pregnant becomes easier. In addition, women who become pregnant can also benefit from eating walnuts. Walnuts contain a high amount of vitamin B<\/a>, which is an essential aspect for the growth of the fetus. Low vitamin B levels can lead to issues during pregnancy and beyond, so make sure to grab some walnuts to snack on while you are pregnant to help keep those levels up. <\/p>\n


4. Hair and Nail Health<\/h3>\n

Adding walnuts to your regular diet can also help improve your hair and nail health. These tasty nuts can help to strengthen the hair follicles and also can help to prevent dandruff<\/a> from forming. When the hair follicles are strengthened, it can lead to hair that is stronger, longer, and thicker than ever before. The reason that walnuts are so great for your hair and for your nails is because they contain a high amount of biotin, which is also known as vitamin B7.<\/p>\n

Biotin is thought to be very important when it comes to the growth of hair and nails. In addition, walnuts contain a good amount of vitamin E. Vitamin E is also important when it comes to giving your hair a healthy shine and making your nails much stronger. One more great thing about walnuts is that if you want to give your hair some natural highlights, the husk is perfect. <\/p>\n


5. Cancer Prevention<\/h3>\n

Out of the entire nut family, walnuts have the highest number of antioxidants<\/a>. This means that they are very good at helping to prevent the growth of certain types of cancer. There have been several studies conducted about eating walnuts and how they can help reduce the growth of cancer cells within the body.<\/p>\n

The omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, the phenolic compounds, gamma-tocopherol, along with the other antioxidants that are found within these small nuts have shown that they can help to slow down the growth of certain types of cancerous cells including those that cause prostate and breast cancer. They also may help to prevent or slow down the growth of pancreatic cancer. If you have been recently diagnosed with one of these types of cancers, adding walnuts to your diet may help to slow down the development of the disease. <\/p>\n


6. Improved Motor Function<\/h3>\n

As mentioned, omega 3 fatty acids are wonderful for the brain. They can help to improve cognitive function including treating memory loss and depression. In addition, making sure that you have enough of these fatty acids in your diet can help to improve your overall motor function. When your brain is functioning at its optimal level, your motor function is going to be improved overall as well.<\/p>\n

If you have been struggling with physical activities of any kind, it may be because you are not getting enough omega 3<\/a> fatty acids within your diet. One of the easiest ways to ensure that your omega 3 fatty acids remain at their optimal levels is to add walnuts to your diet on a regular basis. Other foods that are high in these fatty acids are important as well. Fish and other nuts should be eaten regularly in order to ensure that your omega 3 fatty acids remain at levels they need to be at. <\/p>\n


7. Skin Health<\/h3>\n

The skin<\/a> is the largest organ of the body and is often the most neglected. Most people do not realize how important their skin really is. However, most people do notice when their skin does not look as good as it once did or when it starts to sag and wrinkle or become dry and irritated. One of the ways to help take care of your skin is by eating walnuts.<\/p>\n

Walnuts contain a high amount of vitamin E, which is important when it comes to skin health as this vitamin helps improve the elasticity of the skin, keeping it firmer and younger looking for longer. Not only does eating walnuts help to protect the skin from free radicals that may be harmful to the body, but it also helps to get rid of dark circles that may appear under the eyes. Walnut oil can be used topically on the skin to help protect dry skin from developing. <\/p>\n


8. Heart Disease Prevention<\/h3>\n

If heart disease runs in your family you may want to consider adding some walnuts to your diet. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and the amino acid l-arginine, all of which are important when it comes to the health of your heart. In addition, the nut contains EFA\u2019s such as arachidonic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, and linoleic acid, which also help to keep your heart strong. Eating walnuts helps to lower LDL cholesterol, which is the bad type of cholesterol, while raising the levels of HDL cholesterol, which is the good type.<\/p>\n

This can help to keep the arteries<\/a> clear, lowering the risk of developing high blood pressure. Including these nuts along with a healthy diet can help to prevent the risk of coronary heart diseases by promoting a healthy lipid supply. If you are worried about the health of your heart, grab a handful of walnuts each day and you are on your way to a healthier lifestyle. <\/p>\n


\"\"9. Weight Management<\/h3>\n

Let\u2019s face it, most of us are a bit overweight. If you are not overweight, but still want to maintain your weight, walnuts can be a great tool when it comes to managing your weight. Walnuts are loaded with protein<\/a>, good fats, and fiber, all of which are important for helping you remain feeling fuller for longer periods of time. When you are feeling full, you are less likely to overindulge, which can go a long way when it comes to helping you lose weight or control your weight.<\/p>\n

Walnuts are a better alternative than the majority of low calorie snacks that are currently on the market. They will not cause a spike or a crash in your sugar levels and will satiate your hunger. Try taking a few bags of walnuts with you to work to snack on every time you are tempted to hit the vending machine. Your body will thank you. <\/p>\n


10. Energy Boost<\/h3>\n

Are you feeling low on energy<\/a>? Most of the time when you feel a bit low you will turn to something sugary or caffeinated in order to get that energy boost that you are seeking. However, a better and healthier alternative to these types of foods is to turn to a handful of walnuts instead. Walnuts have a high amount of B vitamins. Vitamin B is important when it comes to boosting your energy levels.<\/p>\n

In fact, many people who suffer from low energy levels have a deficiency of B vitamins. If you find yourself feeling sluggish at different points in the day, try snacking on some walnuts instead of turning to caffeine and other foods that might give you a short term boost, but do nothing for your overall health. This can go a long way when it comes to managing your weight as well. <\/p>\n


11. Antioxidants<\/h3>\n

When it comes to foods that are rich in antioxidants, walnuts rank second. The only other food that has more antioxidants are blackberries. The best thing about walnuts is that they not only are rich in a lot of different antioxidants, they also contain some of the rare and most powerful antioxidants. This includes the tannin tellimagrandin, quinone juglone, as well as the flavonol morin.<\/p>\n

All of these have a remarkable amount of scavenging power when it comes to fighting off free radicals. In addition, all of these antioxidants can also help to prevent liver<\/a> damage that is caused by chemicals that may be found in other foods that you eat. Free radicals that are found in the body can be quite harmful and may even cause cancer to develop. Eating foods rich in antioxidants such as walnuts can go a long way in preventing these types of diseases. <\/p>\n


12. Diabetic Control<\/h3>\n

If you are at risk for developing diabetes<\/a>, have been diagnosed as a prediabetic, or if you are suffering from a diagnosis of this disease, eating walnuts can be beneficial to your health overall. Walnuts contain a high amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. This means that eating walnuts on a regular basis will not contribute to any significant weight gain. In addition, eating walnuts will not cause a spike in your blood sugar, which is one of the issues that diabetics have when dealing with this illness.<\/p>\n

There also has been research that has shown that adding walnuts to a healthy diet can contribute to the prevention of developing type 2 diabetes. Walnuts not only contain a high amount of important antioxidants, they are also full of fiber and protein, both of which are important when it comes to helping you stay full for longer. Eating walnuts as a snack is a good idea if you are struggling with your weight and your blood sugar levels. <\/p>\n


13. Bone Health<\/h3>\n

Another important health benefit of eating walnuts is that it can help improve your overall bone health. Eating walnuts can help to increase the absorption of calcium. When you are eating foods that are rich in calcium you also need to eat foods that improve the absorption of this important nutrient, otherwise the calcium that you take in will simply be excreted through the body and not used. Walnuts are one of the foods that you can eat to increase your calcium absorption, which in turn promotes the health of your bones<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Walnuts not only help the body to absorb calcium better, but they also reduce the excretion of this mineral through your urine. If you are suffering from osteoporosis or other diseases of the bone, adding walnuts to a healthy diet that also includes foods that are high in calcium can go a long way when it comes to improving the overall health of your bones. <\/p>\n


14. Cleanse Digestive System and Reduce Inflammation<\/h3>\n

Walnuts are considered a superfood for many reasons including the fact that they contain a high amount of antioxidants. In addition, walnuts contain phytochemical substances and polyphenolic compounds that can help to reduce inflammation within the body. Inflammation<\/a> is often the cause of many different types of diseases and other ailments. When inflammation is kept under control, you will often feel much healthier. In addition to helping with inflammation, walnuts can also help to clean the digestive tract.<\/p>\n

It aids in detoxification by removing wastes and toxins that may cause infections and other illnesses. Since walnuts are also high in fiber, eating them can also help to cure constipation as it will help clear out the digestive tract. If you suffer from digestive issues regularly or have heartburn or other symptoms of inflammation, adding walnuts to your regular diet can go a long way to help.<\/p>\n\r\n
