{"id":2759,"date":"2019-01-05T12:02:21","date_gmt":"2019-01-05T12:02:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=2759"},"modified":"2021-04-29T18:01:32","modified_gmt":"2021-04-29T18:01:32","slug":"12-gallbladder-attack-symptoms-you-need-to-recognize-when-happening","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/12-gallbladder-attack-symptoms-you-need-to-recognize-when-happening\/","title":{"rendered":"12 Gallbladder Attack Symptoms You Need to Recognize When Happening"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

The gallbladder is one of the body\u2019s most important organs for cleansing the body and processing waste substances and things your body doesn\u2019t use. If you have a health condition that affects the gallbladder or you\u2019re following an unhealthy diet that\u2019s high in salt, fat, and oil then it can automatically put you at a higher risk of going through what\u2019s called a gallbladder attack.

A gallbladder attack is a very uncomfortable, painful and sometimes even dangerous condition that affects a huge part of the population every day. The condition can be treated and prevented even before it happens, but only if you can spot the symptoms of a gallbladder attack ahead of time. Knowing the symptoms can help you recognize it.

Here are the 8 gallbladder attack that you should know to be able to spot the condition early if it were to happen to you or someone you know.

1. Headaches<\/strong>

Headaches <\/a>are a common symptom that can many times be associated with a gallbladder attack. If you experience a headache along with a fever and a characteristic bad taste in your mouth, it\u2019s very likely that your symptoms are caused by a gallbladder attack.

If the headache is instead associated with light sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting, then you might instead be looking at migraine and taking care of the headache will require a different treatment cycle.

In either case, it\u2019s important to hydrate the moment the headache happens, especially if you\u2019re losing a lot of fluid by vomiting.

The type of headache that you\u2019re experiencing can also often tell your doctor more about what type of headache and why, so take note of the time of onset and the type of headache for when you see your doctor.

If it persists, speak to your doctor about other potential conditions.


2. Nausea<\/strong>

Nausea <\/a>is one of the most common symptoms that you\u2019ll experience with more than a thousand different disorders, and nausea alone isn\u2019t enough to tell you what\u2019s causing it \u2013 but if you can combine nausea with any of the other symptoms mentioned on this list, then it\u2019s likely that it could be a gallbladder attack.

Sometimes when it\u2019s a gallbladder attack causing this symptom, it might be accompanied by additional symptoms such as vomiting, a bad taste in the mouth and a fever \u2013 take note of all of the symptoms that you experience and in which order, and if you match more than 3 on this list, it\u2019s likely that it\u2019s your gallbladder.

Gallbladder attacks can easily be brought under control, but if nausea doesn\u2019t stop or turns into repeated vomiting that persists for several hours, consider the condition more of an emergency and get yourself to the emergency room as soon as possible.


3. Vomiting<\/strong>

Vomiting <\/a>is a very common symptom that\u2019s often associated with digestive upsets and things like food poisoning or a high fever, but it can also often be associated with a gallbladder attack \u2013 and it\u2019s one of the first symptoms that most people experience. If it happens to you, then you should try to bring the vomiting under control as soon as you can: Repeated vomiting can cause an incredible amount of damage to the inside of the body, and too much of it can even cause your body to herniate or veins to pop where they shouldn\u2019t.

If you experience vomiting together with a bitter taste and bile, it\u2019s likely that you have a gallbladder attack. You\u2019ll be glad to know that most cases of gallbladder attacks can be brought under control and sometimes will even pass with just some time, but this isn\u2019t always the case.

See a doctor if it persists.


4. Bad Taste in Mouth<\/strong>

One of the most commonly experienced symptoms of a gallbladder attack is a characteristic bad taste in your mouth that doesn\u2019t seem to go away; sometimes, this and severe nausea and vomiting are the only symptoms that many people ever experience when a gallbladder <\/a>attack hits them.

The bad taste that comes with a gallbladder attack is most commonly described as being extremely bitter, almost like the taste of a dissolving aspirin in your mouth: If you\u2019ve ever done this by accident, you\u2019ll know exactly what taste this is referring to.

Sometimes this taste can also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and you might eventually start vomiting yellow or green along with it. This almost always points to a gallbladder attack, and sometimes fruit salts can be enough to help bring this part of the condition under control: Don\u2019t continue vomiting under any circumstances since it can only strain your body more.


5. Body Pain<\/strong>

Body pain is a symptom that often accompanies other related symptoms such as skin tenderness<\/a>, the feeling that the skin is literally on fire when touched and severe body pain that feels like you\u2019ve just been run over by a bus. This type of body pain can mean a gallbladder attack if you can combine it with any of the other symptoms on this list and will need immediate medical attention if this is the case.

For bringing some relief to body pain as a symptom, it can sometimes help to start with an over-the-counter painkiller, but if this doesn\u2019t help, a simple bath with essential oils can be enough to soothe the symptoms\u2013 but if you have a fever while doing it, remember that the heat of a too-warm bath can put too much strain on your heart and make your condition worse.

See your doctor if the pain persists.


6. Fever<\/strong>

A fever <\/a>is your body\u2019s way of bringing an infection under control by creating an environment inside the body that\u2019s too warm for most types of viruses and bacteria to survive \u2013 but even though it has a practical function for the body, it can be dangerous and even fatal to have a fever that can\u2019t be brought under control for too long.

If you develop a sudden fever together with any of the other symptoms mentioned on this list \u2013 in particular vomiting, nausea and the horrible taste of bitter bile in your mouth \u2013 it\u2019s likely that the cause of your fever is a gallbladder attack or infection because of it.

Controlling the gallbladder attack should be enough to bring the fever under control in this case, but if this doesn\u2019t take care of the condition, seek immediate medical attention and describe your symptoms to the attending doctor in clear detail.


7. Pain Under Ribs<\/strong>

Pain under the ribs is a serious symptom that can have several different things as a cause, but it should always be taken as one of the most serious symptoms you can experience because it could signify that something serious is wrong with your health. In the most serious cases where it\u2019s not a gallbladder attack, pain under the ribs could mean everything from a heart attack precursor through to a burst appendix, so see a doctor if this happens to you at all.

If you can combine the other symptoms on this list with pain under your ribs, it\u2019s likely that you\u2019re suffering from a gallbladder attack, and the condition can be easily brought under control by your doctor \u2013 and managed from there with a few small changes to your lifestyle<\/a>.

If that doesn\u2019t bring the condition under control, then you should make another appointment with your doctor.


8. Dry Skin<\/strong>

Dry skin<\/a> is a common symptom that can be associated with a range of different medical conditions or things that affect your health. Sometimes developing dry skin is as simple as dry skin and can be fixed with a few changes to your skincare routine, but if the problem still persists after this it\u2019s time to look at another possible cause.

Anything that affects your kidneys, liver or gallbladder will usually start to show in other parts of your body, and the skin can be a clear indicator of what\u2019s going on inside your body and it can tell your doctor a lot.

For example, liver and kidney disorders can sometimes make the skin appear yellow; the same is true for gallbladder disorders and a gallbladder attack and you should always take note of dry or changing skin and make an appointment with your doctor if it happens to you.


9. Heartburn (GERD)

Patients undergoing a gallbladder attack often report heartburn <\/a>as one of the initial symptoms of the condition. The gallbladder processes 50-percent of the bile made by the liver. When under attack, the gallbladder loses its optimal functionality, and as a result, bile may enter the lower area of the esophagus.

This symptom is especially prevalent in people suffering from GERD, (gastroesophageal reflux disease.) GERD describes a condition where the esophageal sphincter does not close completely, allowing bile to enter the lower esophageal tract. The bile then produces sensations of irritability as it inflames the tissue around the affected area, resulting in a feeling of heartburn.

People suffering from GERD experience this sort of heartburn once or twice a week, and if left untreated, the condition can progress into, \u201cBarret\u2019s Esophagus,\u201d where the intestinal lining begins to grow in the lower esophagus, leading to changes in the pitch and tone of your voice, as well as presenting issues with swallowing.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


10. Pancreatitis

A gallbladder attack can occur due to the formation of gallstones \u2013 small calcified deposits in the organ that cause severe pain symptoms. If left untreated, the gallstones can lead to the development of acute pancreatitis<\/a>. According to recent data from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), over 200,000 Americans experience acute pancreatitis every year.

Gallstones are solid masses made from bile. When large stones become trapped in the junction where the bile duct and pancreatic duct come together to form the \u201cAmpulla of Vater.\u201dThese passages empty into the part of the small intestine known as the \u201cduodenum.\u201d

This duct carries digestive enzymes produced in the pancreas, and when gallstones block it up, bile backs up the tube and starts to inflame surrounding tissues in the common bile duct and the pancreas. If left untreated, the condition can progress into chronic pancreatitis, creating severe inflammation that does not respond to treatment and leaves scar tissue behind in the pancreas.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


11. A Hiatal Hernia

The pain associated with a gallbladder attack is uncomfortable. In some cases, pain symptoms may be so severe that it causes stress on the abdominal wall and the stomach. A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper region of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm and into the chest area.

The diaphragm is a muscle found between the chest and the abdomen and helps to control breathing. The stomach sits below the diaphragm, but people suffering from a hiatal hernia <\/a>experience the stomach push through an opening in the diaphragm, causing a \u201chiatus.\u201d The exact cause of the condition is unknown, but some medical experts believe a gallbladder attack is a possible cause of developing a hiatal hernia.

The condition typically occurs in men and women over the age of 50-years old, affecting up to 60-percent of the population. Some people experience a substantial hiatus at birth, requiring surgery to fix the abnormality.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


12. Liver Inflammation

The liver <\/a>is the body\u2019s garbage disposal station and clears the blood of all harmful toxins before recirculating it through the body. The liver also produces bile, a substance that helps aid digestion. People who drink excessive amounts of alcohol on a regular basis run the risk of developing a liver disease that affects the health of the gallbladder.

Since the gallbladder is responsible for processing up to 50-percent of all the bile from the liver, a gallbladder attack can disrupt the healthy flow of this substance. This action results in the inflammation of liver cells and elevation in liver enzyme production within the organ. If left untreated, the condition can progress into a life-threatening disease and the possible development of cancerous tumors. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Unhealthy livers also run the risk of contracting dangerous infections, such as hepatitis and other inflammatory diseases. Fortunately, the liver regenerates itself. Provided that the damage is not extensive, liver cells will recover by themselves with changes to diet and lifestyle.
