{"id":372,"date":"2017-05-31T07:24:59","date_gmt":"2017-05-31T07:24:59","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=372"},"modified":"2021-03-10T17:10:00","modified_gmt":"2021-03-10T17:10:00","slug":"13-natural-remedies-ear-infection","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/13-natural-remedies-ear-infection\/","title":{"rendered":"13 Natural Remedies for an Ear Infection"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"An ear infection is a highly frustrating and irritating condition to have to deal with. Not only does this cause pain and discomfort, it also makes it difficult to hear and results in a complete loss of awareness of what\u2019s going on around you. You might find yourself repeatedly asking people to repeat themselves, or even put yourself in danger by being unaware of things going on behind you.<\/p>\n

Some ear infections can be much worse than others. In some cases, you might feel pain radiating right into the rest of your face. In others, you might experience a fever, tiredness and aching joints as though you had a flu or another kind of virus.<\/p>\n

The good news is that ear infections aren\u2019t dangerous or contagious and will usually be self-limiting \u2013 meaning they\u2019ll go away on their own eventually. Better yet, you can speed up your recovery by using a number of natural remedies. Let\u2019s take a look at 13 of the best\u2026<\/p>\n

1. 1-2 Drops of Olive Oil<\/h3>\n

One of the most common symptoms of an ear infection is a build up of wax which is what makes it so difficult to hear. If you want to treat this problem, then you can try applying a couple of drops of olive oil<\/a> into the ear. This is something that most of us will have around the home and which can be effective at softening the impacted mucus to make it more easily come out.<\/p>\n

Add 1-2 drops into the ear and then hold your head to one side to allow it to drain in. Note that this won\u2019t work right away and you might in fact find it worse to start with. Just give it time and it should make a positive difference. You can buy over-the-counter ear drops made from olive oil.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Bicarb Ear Drops<\/h3>\n

Better yet are the ear drops made from bicarbonate of soda. Don\u2019t use these too frequently as they could actually damage the ear drum<\/a>.<\/p>\n

However, one or two drops will actually be much more effective at breaking up wax. You can actually hear them getting to work as they fix and crack and as air bubbles pop through the thick texture. It\u2019s very satisfying and offers quick relief!<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Garlic Oil<\/h3>\n

Garlic oil is among the most popular choices of all when it comes to an ear infection. Like other oils, this will again soften any ear wax to improve your ability to hear. At the same time though, garlic<\/a> is also a very powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent that can kill off the cause of the problem.<\/p>\n

Remember, an ear infection is an infection meaning it is caused by a virus, not by bacteria. This is why antibiotics are not useful, but garlic might just be! You can make your own garlic oil, or buy it readily made.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Tea Tree Oil<\/h3>\n

Tea tree oil, also called melaleuca, is another oil that has powerful antiseptic properties and which can work to kill off the infection while also breaking up the mucus<\/a>. It will also help to mix this with a little coconut oil for the right consistency.<\/p>\n

Note however that these are tips that have anecdotal evidence but not scientific evidence. It is also unknown whether applying antibacterial\/antiviral agents topically will have the desired effect as the bacteria does not live in the ear but rather in the body.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Green Tea<\/h3>\n

Green tea is a great source of antioxidants<\/a> and other ingredients that can boost the immune system and help it to fight infections. Supporting the immune system is generally always a good idea, as it this is what will ultimately drive out infections and improve your health.<\/p>\n

Make sure that you do this in any way possible. Drink juice, take a multi-vitamin and generally fortify yourself with the right diet just as you would do if you had a cold of a flu!<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Sunlight<\/h3>\n

Speaking of fortifying the immune system<\/a>, sunlight might just be one of the very best options available. Sunlight is highly effective for combating certain autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and in one study, it was found to be as effective as cold and flu vaccinations! In short, vitamin D might be the secret to a stronger immune system and less illness!<\/p>\n

Instead of sealing yourself away in the dark then, one of the best things you can do when ill is to sit in the garden and get some sunlight, making sure that you wrap up warm. Consuming a vitamin D supplement may also help.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0No More Q-Tips<\/h3>\n

One of the worst things you can do when you have an ear infection is one of the things you might find yourself wanting to do the most! When your ear is filled with wax and is itching and painful, the temptation to insert a cotton bud is strong.<\/p>\n

Doing this will only push the wax in further though and it might even exacerbate the infection<\/a> itself. Worst of all, a q-tip can potentially even damage the ear drum if not used correctly.<\/p>\n

Drops are better for cleaning ears and in fact you may not need to clean your ears at all \u2013 the body is capable of doing this on its own.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Irrigation<\/h3>\n

That said, on the rare case that you do have an infection, you may wish to irrigate the ears a little with some very gently inserted water. Don\u2019t try and \u2018blast\u2019 the wax out but submerging your head in warm water can help to break up the mucus.<\/p>\n

Better yet, gently apply a little warm saline<\/a> solution. Salt water is highly effective at preventing infections and this might be another way to combat the virus. Though again the same thing applies \u2013 it\u2019s uncertain if this will help seeing as the infection is likely internal at this point.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Warm Compress<\/h3>\n

If you just want to ease the symptoms of your ear infection, then one of the best things you can do is to apply a warm compress<\/a>. Simply hold a warm wet flannel against the side of your head and this can help to ease the pain while also breaking up mucus and helping it to naturally remove itself from the body.<\/p>\n

If you don\u2019t want to use a flannel however, another effective option is to create a rice sock. Simply insert some rice into a sock, tie a knot in the end and then insert into the microwave. The rice will hold the heat and this will create a soft and warm bag that you can use to ease your discomfort.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Analgesics<\/h3>\n

Don\u2019t be a hero: taking painkillers<\/a> is a very good idea if you have an infection and actually this will help you to speed up recovery too. When we are in pain, this causes us to feel stressed and this in turn makes it harder for the immune system to do its job.<\/p>\n

Solve this problem and you\u2019ll also find it makes it easier for you to get to sleep (a key time for our recovery) and that it helps improve your mood as well.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Rest<\/h3>\n

Sleep is great but rest generally is even more important. An ear infection can sometimes make us feel rough and cause a fever among other issues.<\/p>\n

In other cases though, it simply causes mild pain in the ear, making us think that we can carry on with normal tasks. You can of course, but if you do, then you might find that you don\u2019t heal as quickly and in fact the infection may get worse.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, is that some studies show that a repeated refusal to take time off from work when we feel ill might actually be one of the causes of CFS \u2013 chronic fatigue syndrome<\/a>.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Drink!<\/h3>\n

Drinking plenty of water is a natural remedy for practically everything as it helps to support the immune system, forms the basis of many important enzymes<\/a> and encourages the system to flush itself.<\/p>\n

Drinking water will further help to break up mucus that compacts in the ears and can also help to reduce your temperature if the infection is causing a fever.<\/p>\n

Drinking as much fluid as possible is always important for our general health and performance but this increases significantly when you have any kind of illness.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Onion<\/h3>\n

Finally, one more popular remedy is onion<\/a>. This is something you\u2019re likely to have around the home as it is used in cooking so many dishes. It\u2019s also great for the ear if you chop it, put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and then extract the juice once it has cooled.<\/p>\n

Put a couple of drops into the infected ear and then leave for a couple of minutes. This has similar benefits to using garlic but is a little less strong while being slightly more available.<\/p>\n

Try all these methods, take lots of rest and remember not to poke, itch or prod your ear.<\/p>\n\r\n
