{"id":4266,"date":"2019-02-21T08:00:23","date_gmt":"2019-02-21T08:00:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=4266"},"modified":"2021-03-26T18:47:16","modified_gmt":"2021-03-26T18:47:16","slug":"10-natural-remedies-to-help-you-treat-ischemic-colitis","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/10-natural-remedies-to-help-you-treat-ischemic-colitis\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Natural Remedies to Help You Treat Ischemic Colitis"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Ischemic colitis is a serious health condition that affects as much as 1 in ever 2, 000 people who make a visit to the hospital\u2019s emergency room every year; even though you might never have heard of it before now, it\u2019s a much more common health condition than you might have thought \u2013 and if you experience symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating and blood in your stools, you might be suffering from colitis.

Risk factors for the condition include low blood pressure and any chronic conditions of the heart of veins; this is because ischemic colitis is usually caused by a lack of blood flowing through to the colon, which can cause perforation, bleeding and eventual shock.

The condition can be brought some relief at home while it\u2019s still in the early stages and possible to treat easily.

Here are 8 great natural remedies to help you treat ischemic colitis.

1. Greek Yoghurt<\/strong>

Greek yogurt <\/a>is something that not a lot of people cook with every day, and it\u2019s not something that everyone just naturally keeps in their kitchen \u2013 although especially if you\u2019re trying to heal any kind of digestive issues, Greek Yoghurt can be a great thing to add to your diet just a few times per week.

The reason why it\u2019s specifically plain Greek yogurt is because of the fact that it contains the best live cultures \u2013 the good bacteria that your digestive system needs \u2013 and it can go a long way towards restoring the flora in your stomach and gut, especially if you\u2019re suffering with or have just recovered from a condition like ischemic colitis.

Greek yogurt also happens to be extremely versatile and can be added to meals where you would have used the cream, or used as a salad dressing or healthier addition to a dessert with fruit salad.


2. Oats<\/strong>

One of the most important factors for healing ischemic colitis is keeping the digestive system in healthy, good condition \u2013 and apart from healthy bacteria and probiotics<\/a>, it\u2019s also vital for your digestive system to stay regular; if you aren\u2019t having bowel movements as often as you should, it\u2019s likely that you\u2019ll develop some type of digestive issue as a result of this \u2013 or some type of digestive issue might be the root cause.

The best way to ensure that you stay regular is by adding a combination of healthy fats (like olive oil and real butter) to your diet \u2013 and consuming things that are high in fiber. This dietary element can sometimes include things like whole grain pasta, but if this is not possible, opt for something like oats or fibrous vegetables (think of asparagus) instead.

The great thing about this is that small dietary adaptation can be made as needed.


3. Olive Oil<\/strong>

Olive oil <\/a>is one of the richest sources of healthy fats, and it can be one of the most versatile things you add to your diet; olive oil can easily be used as a substitute for regular cooking oil in nearly everything including baked recipes, and you can also use olive oil as a base for a healthier salad dressing \u2013 sometimes, olive oil is even perfect for preparing a steak as long as the oil doesn\u2019t become too hot.

Due to the healthy fat content, olive oil can be one of the best things that you add to your diet if you\u2019re recovering from or trying to treat ischemic colitis. Make sure that you buy only responsibly sourced and pure olive oil since there are a lot of counterfeits on the market that pass themselves off as virgin olive oil, but aren\u2019t even close. Learn to check the ingredients properly.


4. Turmeric<\/strong>

Turmeric <\/a>is one of the greatest possible natural immune boosters, and it\u2019s a great idea to add turmeric to your diet as your all-in-one booster for when you want to give your body a bit of a leg-up during times where the flu of the season makes it’s way around \u2013 or when you just want to ensure that your immune system is in optimal condition.

It\u2019s most commonly known as an ingredient that completes a healthy curry, but that\u2019s not all that you can do with it \u2013 and you can even add some turmeric to milk and turn it into a steeped turmeric drink for a quick boost of health, with cinnamon and lemon juice optional.

Turmeric is great for restoring your immune system if you suffer from ischemic colitis, and it even has plenty of digestive benefits. Just be careful to not dye absolutely everything that it touches yellow.


5. Vitamin C Supplements<\/strong>

There are plenty of studies out there that supports the concept that an increased intake of vitamin C<\/a> can be one of the most useful factors in treating ischemic colitis, and if you\u2019re currently trying to treat the condition or recovering from a bout of it, it\u2019s a good idea to increase your vitamin C intake anyway and follow some of the methods mentioned in this article on your way to a healthier lifestyle \u2013 one that continues even when the initial condition has been cured.

There are many natural things rich in vitamin C such as berries, and you should include plenty of these in your general diet as a rule; they\u2019re a great snack, too! For bridging the gap that food might not fill up, supplements can be a great way to get the right amount of vitamin C into your diet, especially in the case of a multivitamin.


6. Yoga<\/strong>

It might seem confusing to some people to think just how something like yoga can bring any relief to a condition like ischemic colitis<\/a>, but once you start looking at it from a little closer up with more evidence, it starts to make sense; stress can manifest in many different ways throughout the body, including most commonly the gut. Where else<\/em> did you think the expression \u201cgut feeling\u201d comes from?

Reducing stress can do a lot for your health if you\u2019re working to heal a condition like ischemic colitis, and this doesn\u2019t just mean physical stress but also any other kind of stress that can cause your body to tense up.

Yoga is both great for the body and the mind, and as long as you don\u2019t strain yourself too soon after injury or surgery, yoga on a regular basis can be one of the best things you can do. <\/strong>


7. Iron-Rich<\/strong>

Developing colitis in the more severe stages of the condition can lead to worsening symptoms, and might even lead to very serious symptoms like perforation of the colon and bleeding, which can lead to infection and the body going into pretty much instantaneous shock that will need immediate medical attention and can be deadly to try and treat yourself once the condition has reached that point.

If you\u2019re recovering from a severe instance of colitis such as this, then you might have lost some blood <\/a>during \u2013 and your body will need to replenish the lost nutrients. As long as the bleeding has been brought under control (which can sometimes require medical attention), an iron-rich diet can be a great help during the recovery phase.

Of course, you can still continue to follow a healthy and iron-rich diet even after the worst of the symptoms associated with colitis have passed.


8. A Healthier Lifestyle<\/strong>

If you\u2019re at risk of developing colitis, you\u2019ve ever had colitis at any point in your life or you\u2019ve had a family history of colitis or related digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, you should follow a lifestyle that\u2019s as healthy as possible; one that contains as much as possible of the good fats and as little as possible of any processed fats that can do harm to your health \u2013 and a diet that\u2019s rich in fresh, healthy <\/a>ingredients.

You can still eat your best meals, you\u2019ll just have to make a few changes \u2013 and you can even combine many of the methods mentioned on this list in your quest to lead a healthier life. It\u2019s great for your body when recovering from a condition like colitis, and following a healthier lifestyle is a good idea for anyone else even if they aren\u2019t at risk of developing the condition.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n
