{"id":5112,"date":"2019-03-19T05:43:52","date_gmt":"2019-03-19T05:43:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=5112"},"modified":"2021-03-29T18:03:48","modified_gmt":"2021-03-29T18:03:48","slug":"13-oral-thrush-symptoms-in-children-and-adults","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/13-oral-thrush-symptoms-in-children-and-adults\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Oral Thrush Symptoms in Children and Adults"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Oral thrush is a common health condition that is characterized by symptoms like a sore throat and a white rash appearing on the inside of the mouth, the back of the throat and the tongue; it\u2019s a condition that is caused by bacteria and normally spread through contact. Although the condition isn\u2019t generally considered to be harmful to your health on its own, it can sometimes lead to experiencing discomfort and a sore throat, and the condition might become recurring if the cause isn\u2019t taken care of at the same time as the infection itself.

It\u2019s important to recognize the potential symptoms of an oral thrush infection. Spotting the condition can sometimes help to indicate the presence of other health conditions that are helping to cause it and can be diagnostically important.

Here are 8 of the most common oral thrush symptoms that can appear in both children and adults.

1. White Residue<\/strong>

The first and most characteristic symptom of oral thrush is a white rash<\/a> that appears on the inside of the mouth, at the back of the throat and on the tongue; usually, this rash isn\u2019t painful at first, although it might turn into something that\u2019s instead very uncomfortable and painful if the condition is left untreated or too long.

The white residue occurs in all cases of thrush, and this is part of what helps the condition to spread from one person to another. Sometimes the white rash will also become inflamed, and might at the same time become red, swollen and painful \u2013 in extreme cases, the rash can even lead to infection and might require a different treatment routine to cure.

Usually, the white residue caused by thrush will go away with the application of an oral antibiotic cream that\u2019s designed to treat the symptoms in a few days.


2. Sore Throat<\/strong>

One of the first and most common symptoms of oral thrush that warrants a closer investigation into what could be causing the condition \u2013 and is usually what gets most people to make an appointment with their doctor in the first place \u2013 is experiencing a sore throat<\/a> that isn\u2019t due to another condition such as flu.

One of the first things that you will notice with a sore throat associated with the symptoms of oral thrush is the presence of the white rash on the inside of the mouth; you might also notice that the sore throat becomes a recurring symptom that keeps coming back one time after the other even when no other conditions that could be causing the sore throat (like flu) are present.

Mention any possible symptoms that you are experiencing to your doctor as soon as they happen: Early treatment is best with the majority of disorders.


3. Trouble Swallowing<\/strong>

Experiencing trouble, pain or discomfort <\/a>when swallowing are symptoms that you might experience if you have a more severe case of thrush; these aren\u2019t symptoms that will happen in all cases, and there are plenty of cases where oral thrush isn\u2019t painful and will instead just present with the characteristic rash that defines the condition \u2013 but if you experience any pain or discomfort while swallowing, it should be treated symptomatically like you would treat a sore throat most commonly associated with flu.

Take in plenty of fluids, especially colder ones that will help to soothe the throat; avoid dairy since it can be a dietary factor that helps to aggravate oral thrush and consume plenty of healthy things through your diet; in extreme cases of thrush, a softer or liquid diet might need to be followed for a while to reduce discomfort and pain while the condition is being treated.


4. Lowered Immune System<\/strong>

A lowered immune system<\/a> can sometimes be an accompanying symptom of having developed oral thrush, and in some cases, a compromised immune system might even contribute to what helped you to contract oral thrush in the first place. A lowered immune system can sometimes be hard to test for on its own due to the varying different disorders that can cause it, but the condition can often accompany other conditions that are known to compromise the immunity, such as cancer or HIV \u2013 sometimes vitamin or dietary deficiencies can also help to cause a lowered immune system.

When your immune system is at a lower point than usual, you will be more likely to develop infections \u2013 and you might be much more prone to develop oral thrush as a recurring condition.

Seeing your doctor is important so that the cause of the recurring condition can be found, diagnosed and adequately treated.


5. Bad Taste in Mouth<\/strong>

Oral thrush<\/a> can commonly be accompanied by experiencing a very bad taste in the mouth while the condition is ongoing; this bad taste in the mouth will be something different to everyone, although the taste has been reported as overly bitter or almost chemical in nature to some \u2013 it will usually be accompanied by the characteristic white rash inside the mouth, and might be accompanied by a thick layer of plaque on the tongue that only adds to the incredibly bad taste caused by the condition.

Regularly rinsing the mouth is usually the best thing that can be done to eliminate or control the bad taste the condition leaves, and the symptom disappears as soon as oral thrush has been adequately treated.

Drinking water after the use of medications that cause thrush is also recommended to reduce the appearance of symptoms like the bad taste that\u2019s left in the mouth.


6. Dry Mouth<\/strong>

Experiencing a chronically bad taste in your mouth due to the symptoms of thrush is normal, although it might not occur in all diagnosed cases; the same is true for experiencing a dry mouth, which is something that might happen in some cases and not others \u2013 and the exact cause of why some cases are worse than others aren\u2019t known.

The dry mouth is another symptom that will usually be accompanied by the characteristic rash that is associated with oral thrush, and the best thing that can be done other than treating the thrush itself is to stay hydrated <\/a>with water and fruit juices that aren\u2019t too acidic to control the dry mouth.

Remember that anyone suffering from thrush should ideally avoid sugar as much as they can until they are completely sure the condition has been treated, as it can help to feed the bacteria that cause the condition.

7. Oral Infections<\/strong>

Oral infections <\/a>are common in cases of oral thrush, although they might not occur in all cases \u2013 they aren\u2019t a defining symptom although they are something that can commonly accompany the disorder. Experiencing an oral infection and oral thrush together are common after certain types of dental surgery, or common when you have been exposed to thrush and at the same time have open sores in the mouth that can increase the potential of contracting an infection.

Any infection in the mouth should be considered extremely serious, especially if it is accompanied by any discomfort, pain or the presence of mouth abscesses; a strict course of antibiotics is enough to fix the majority cases of oral infections, and you should see your doctor when spotting any signs of an infection to ensure that treatment is started as soon as possible before the infection gets any worse when left alone.


8. Halitosis <\/strong>

Halitosis <\/a>is the clinical term for bad breath, and there can be many different conditions which can be behind chronically bad breath; generally, it\u2019s a sign of an unhealthy gut, and it can sometimes be a symptom that points to an underlying infection in the mouth that causes a bad taste and the unpleasant breath. Sometimes halitosis will be present even without the symptom of a bad taste in the mouth, and it might be something that the person themselves don\u2019t notice until someone points it out to them, which makes halitosis a common source of embarrassment.

When suffering from halitosis that\u2019s related to oral thrush, treating the one will usually make the other condition subside, although it can also be symptomatically controlled with the simple use of breath mints, mouth wash, and increased oral hygiene during the period of an oral thrush infection.

See your doctor if it persists. <\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


9.  Burning Sensation<\/strong>

The inside of the mouth is full of soft tissues. These tissues <\/a>are extremely sensitive, but they are very well protected. If something affects the tissues inside of the mouth it can become quite uncomfortable. People who are experiencing oral thrush will often state that they feel like there is a burning sensation inside of their mouths. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

This symptom of oral thrush can be quite painful and many people will struggle with swallowing and chewing because of it. Fortunately, this particular symptom will typically not last as long. In addition, it does not cause any lasting damage in most cases. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

When the infection is gone, this symptom will disappear as well. The good news is that oral thrush is easy to cure, so once treatment is started the symptoms will go away and things will go back to normal.


10. Stuck Food Sensation<\/strong>

The digestive tract of the body is very long. It starts with the mouth <\/a>and then travels down to the stomach. It goes through the intestines and through the colon where waste is expelled. This passage has to be kept clear so that food and other items are able to pass through quickly. If something is blocking the way, a person can usually tell right away. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

A person who is suffering from oral thrush may feel like there is something stuck in their throat. They may feel like there is something in the chest. This stuck food sensation may be quite unpleasant and the feeling may occur even when nothing is really stuck there. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

The main reason that a person may experience this unpleasant stuck food sensation is because of the presence of yeast throughout the lining of this passageway. This symptom will go away once the yeast is cleared from the passageway.


11. Changed Taste<\/strong>

The tongue <\/a>is a very important part of the digestive system. It helps to break down food in the mouth. In addition, it is what makes a person taste the food that they are eating. The tongue provides a person with a lot of information about what is in the mouth. Most importantly, the tongue helps to clear the mouth of foods that can cause illnesses. A pleasant taste makes food more enjoyable. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Unfortunately, a person who has oral thrush may notice that their sense of taste is affected. Food that they used to enjoy may no longer taste as good. In some cases, a person\u2019s sense of taste may simply disappear. It is important to make sure that if you are suffering from oral thrush that you still maintain good nutrition and to be very careful about what you eat. It is important to make sure that you are eating fresh foods because it can be difficult to tell when your sense of taste is gone.


12. Fungal Infections Elsewhere<\/strong>

Most of the time a healthy immune system will be able to prevent an infection <\/a>from spreading throughout the body. Hopefully, the immune system will remove the infection completely. However, the immune system is not invincible and cannot always fight off infections on its own. Oral thrush infections can potentially overwhelm a person\u2019s immune system, which will allow it to spread to another area of the body. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

It may spread to the lungs, the liver, and to the skin. When this occurs a person may experience a rash on other areas of the body. Fungal infections located in other areas of the body can be a sign of oral thrush. Fortunately, the spread of oral thrush is not common. Most of the time oral thrush will not spread throughout the body and remain in the esophagus and the mouth. It is important to catch oral thrush early so treatment can be started and prevent it from spreading.


13. Fever<\/strong>

There are many different bacterial and viral infections that can cause a person to develop a fever<\/a>. A fever occurs when the body temperature rises above normal. This is one of the ways that the body tries to fight off an infection. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

A fever is an attempt to make the body inhospitable for the pathogens. The hope is that the fever will slow down the infection from spreading and possibly kill the infection altogether. If a person has oral thrush and it begins to spread past the mouth and esophagus, the immune system is going to step in to try and stop it by causing a fever.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

If you develop a fever along with the other symptoms on this list it is a sign that the oral thrush is starting to advance, so it is important to make sure to seek medical attention right away.


14. Cracks Around the Mouth<\/strong>

Another symptom of oral thrush that a person may experience is cracking that appears on the mouth. These cracks will often appear on the corners of the mouth. The point where the bottom lip meets the upper lip in the corners of your mouth is called oral commissures. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

This area of the mouth is made up of many soft tissues that are very sensitive. This means that cracking can occur quite easily. The cracking that appears in the corners of the mouth can be very painful and may result from many different things. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Oral thrush is just one of the issues that may cause a person to experience this symptom<\/a>. If you are experiencing cracks at the corner of your mouth along with the other symptoms on this list, you may have oral thrush. Skin cream can be used in the area of the mouth to help promote healing and soothe the pain that you are experiencing.
