{"id":5184,"date":"2019-03-19T05:57:52","date_gmt":"2019-03-19T05:57:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=5184"},"modified":"2021-05-04T13:30:26","modified_gmt":"2021-05-04T13:30:26","slug":"trichomoniasis-10-must-know-facts-and-myths","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/trichomoniasis-10-must-know-facts-and-myths\/","title":{"rendered":"Trichomoniasis: 14 Must-Know Facts and Myths"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States, and it\u2019s estimated that little under 4 million of the total population might be infected. Some people who experience the disease might experience no symptoms at all for several months of years while still being carriers for the condition, which is part of what makes this a dangerous condition.

If you suspect that you might have a trichomoniasis infection, make an appointment with your doctor so that a course of antibiotics (usually in the form of a singular extra-strength dosage) can be prescribed \u2013 and let anyone know that you might have exposed to it during the time that you might have contracted it yourself.

Not contracting this STD is down to careful, effective and regular condom usage every time.

Here are 8 must-know facts and myths about trichomoniasis that can help you to identify the symptoms.  <\/strong>

1. Some cases are asymptomatic.<\/strong>

According to studies, as much as seventy percent of total trichomoniasis cases might be completely asymptomatic and present with none of the most common symptoms that come associated with the condition; it\u2019s these cases that are especially difficult to diagnose, and difficult to spot \u2013 because of the fact that the majority of people will never undergo a specific screening for this STD <\/a>if they aren\u2019t experiencing any symptoms that make them take a closer look.

Because of this, it\u2019s vital to practice safe sexual health from the start \u2013 and make sure that you don\u2019t pick up an infection such as this in the first place; if you do spot any symptoms, then you should make an immediate appointment with your doctor for the right course of treatment.

Asymptomatic cases can eventually present with symptoms, although you might be putting other people at risk without realizing it during this time period.


2. It\u2019s a common condition.<\/strong>

Trichomoniasis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the United States, and it can be a scary thought to think about this and the number of sexual partners you have had during your lifetime \u2013 and the number of people who might have been infected with the condition without showing any outward symptoms <\/a>of it that you might have encountered.

It\u2019s estimated by statistics that as much as 3.7 million people just in the United States might be suffering from the condition, and of this number, it\u2019s said that as much as 70% of these cases will show no symptoms that they are infected with any diseases. However, they can usually still pass the disease on to the next person.

A quick look at these statistics should be enough to tell you why responsible sexual practices are vitally important if you want to avoid picking up any STDs.


3. Condoms reduce infection risk.<\/strong>

Condoms <\/a>can greatly reduce your infection risk against several different types of STDs, not just against the primary one that we\u2019re talking about in this article, and responsible, regular condom use is one of the only things that can really protect you against contracting trichomoniasis. If you\u2019re more at risk of contracting it and you\u2019re having sex without adequate protection, you could even be putting yourself at a higher risk of developing HIV \u2013 and of passing on these STDs to the next person you\u2019re having sex with.

Using condoms every time you have sex (and in the right way) can ensure that you greatly reduce your chance of ever contracting a sexually transmitted disease during your lifetime.

If a condom should tear, see your doctor for a proper STD screening \u2013 do this regularly, even when you think that there\u2019s no need to do so for diseases that can be asymptomatic.


4. Pregnant women are at a high-risk factor.<\/strong>

Trichomoniasis (also sometimes referred to as trich) is one of the most common STDs that you can encounter, but it\u2019s not just something that can be restricted to causing damage to your own body if it\u2019s left untreated, if you\u2019re a pregnant female, you will be at an automatically higher risk of passing the infection through to your baby \u2013 and having a trich infection while you\u2019re pregnant can have a hugely negative effect on your pregnancy<\/a>.

Mothers who are infected with the trichomoniasis bacteria and are pregnant at the same time carry a considerably higher risk of passing on the infection to their children, and the condition can be a huge contributing factor to inducing early labor \u2013 and it can lead to a severely unhealthy pregnancy.

If you are pregnant and suspect that you might have an infection, make an appointment with your doctor and order proper tests for trich.


5. Tests are needed for an official diagnosis.<\/strong>

While there are a range of symptoms that you might experience if you are battling with a trich infection<\/a>, there are a massive amount of cases that don\u2019t present with any symptoms at all \u2013 and doctors don\u2019t use just the symptoms alone when they\u2019re making a trichomoniasis diagnosis. The symptoms (such as itchiness, swelling, and discharge) can help to tell the doctor that there\u2019s some kind of underlying STD \u2013 but the symptoms aren\u2019t enough to confirm to the doctor what kind of STD the symptoms are referring to.

Especially for the official diagnosis of trich, you should always order official tests so that the right diagnosis can be made and your doctor knows which treatment option to undertake from there. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Tests are not invasive and are usually as simple as just going to do a blood test and waiting for the results within just a few days of testing.


6. Symptoms can be varied.<\/strong>

Symptoms of the disease can be greatly varied, and you should take note of any general symptoms that can point to having a sexually transmitted disease; these symptoms can mean different things, and as you know by now the symptoms will only mean that you have to get further tested in order to establish just what kind of STD is behind the issues and symptoms that you\u2019ve been experiencing.

In the majority of cases, a trich infection will present with no symptoms at all \u2013 but in some cases, symptoms like itching, redness<\/a>, and discharge can point to an underlying infection and mean that you have to make an appointment with your doctor so that the further tests can be done.

This is true for any potential symptoms that can signal an STD and not just ones that could be pointing to a possibility of trichomoniasis infection in the body.


7. HIV risk is automatically increased.<\/strong>

Did you know that if you have a trichomoniasis infection your risk of picking up other STDs will be automatically on the increase, even if you aren\u2019t showing any symptoms at all? This means that it\u2019s a good reason to always advocate responsible sex and condom use, even when you think that there might be no need to do so.

In addition to ensuring that you are using condoms in the right and responsible way (as well as every single time that you have sex), you should make sure that you go for regular STD screenings that include various different types of STDs at the same time, including herpes, HIV and trichomoniasis.

If you know that your partner is HIV positive, more general care also needs to be taken in order to prevent infection with HIV<\/a>, and the use of anti-retroviral medications can be of great use if accidents happen.


8. The infection can last for years.<\/strong>

Trichomoniasis <\/a>is an infection that can stay alive in the body for several years at most without being diagnosed or spotted at all, and this is partially due to the nature of the disease and the fact that so many of the cases seen never present with any symptoms at all. If you suspect that you might have picked up a trich infection, protect yourself by seeing your doctor \u2013 and anyone else by letting them know if they have been recent (or not so recent) sexual partners.

The best way of spotting a potential infection if you\u2019re a carrier who doesn\u2019t show any symptoms of the disease is to make an appointment with your doctor for a regular, thorough STD screening at least once every few months \u2013 this tests for several things at once, including trich, HIV and some of the other more common STDs that you might have encountered.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


9. It Can Lead to Premature Labor<\/strong>

If a woman contracts trichomoniasis when pregnant, then it is possible that this can lead to premature labor. The STD may be transmitted to the baby, which can then cause the baby to need treatment immediately upon birth. If the transmission does not occur inside the womb, then there is another point at which it can easily be contracted: during the birth itself at which point the child will pass through the birth canal and potentially pick up bacteria<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

In fact, this process is now thought to be a crucial manner through which bacteria are passed from the mother to the child. During this process, the child will gain a more healthy and natural bacterial profile which will provide the healthy gut flora that aids in digestion, mood, bowel movements and more. If a child is born via a c-section, then in some cases a doctor will now advise taking a swab from the mother\u2019s vagina and applying this inside the child\u2019s mouth!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

While this is a positive and natural process however, it also means that a child can pick up negative health issues in much the same way.


10. It Increases the Risk of HIV<\/strong>

One of the lesser-known complications of trichomonas vaginalis is that it can increase the risk of contracting HIV. This also may increase your chances of contracting other types of STI as well. This is due to what is referred to as the \u2018viral load\u2019 \u2013 the more viruses that exist within a system, the more the body has to fight to keep them under control. This then leaves that body open to attack and invasion from other viruses and bacteria. What\u2019s more, is that contracting HIV can increase the likelihood of getting trichomonas vaginalis, which makes this a somewhat circular issue and makes it extremely important to practice safe sex and good hygiene<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

It is also possible for the condition to spread through intercourse even if the individual is using HIV drugs (antiretrovirals). The viral load may be undetectable in some cases, however, which makes them no more likely to pass it on.


11. It is caused by a Protozoan<\/strong>

Trichomonas is more fully referred to as trichomonas vaginalis, which is due to the fact that it is caused by the protozoan <\/a>called trichomonas vaginalis. A protozoan is a single-celled microscopic \u2018animal\u2019 which comes from the kingdom Protista. An example of a protozoan is an amoeba, or a flagellate. \u00a0These creatures feed on organic matter and debris. They are referred to as \u2018animals\u2019 because they behave in a manner that is more similar to animals than plants or bacteria. For example, they have motility and predation and they do not have a \u2018cell wall\u2019 as you would find in plants or in algae. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Today, it is no longer common practice to group protozoa with animals. But it is a term that is still commonly used to describe these single-celled organisms.


12. It is Your Responsibility<\/strong>

If you have trichomonas, then you will have a very important responsibility to practice safe sex and to be transparent with your sexual partners. You should always inform partners of your condition so that they can make an informed decision. Moreover, it is generally advisable that you abstain from intercourse <\/a>until the infection has completely cleared up. Important to recognize is that the condition is passed on through contact, which means that a condom will not necessarily prevent transmission (though it will reduce the likelihood).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

It\u2019s also useful to know that you cannot pass on trichomonas via kissing, oral sex, or other forms of contact: it needs to be genital. Unlike other STDs, it does not affect the eyes or mouth. For these reasons, the condition is highly controllable \u2013 as long as you act responsibly.


13. It is Relatively Easy to Treat<\/strong>

If you do find that you have contracted trichomonas vaginalis, then the good news is that it is relatively easy to treat. An antibiotic <\/a>called metronidazole will normally be administered and will be taken twice a day for 5-7 days. In order for this to be effective however, it is crucial that the patient follow carefully the directions on the packaging. This includes completing the entire course of the medication, as otherwise, the bacteria may survive and still be present in the system. It\u2019s also advisable that you avoid intercourse until this point, otherwise, you risk re-infection or transmission.


14. Risk Factors<\/strong>

There are many risk factors<\/a> that put an individual at greater risk of contracting the condition. These include having multiple sexual partners and engaging in unprotected sex. It\u2019s also much more common in women \u2013 with women over forty being twice as likely as the general population to contract the condition. Likewise, if you suffer from HIV, then it is easier to contract it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

While risk factors are not symptoms, they can be very useful to consider alongside symptoms as they provide context \u2013 giving you an idea of how likely it is that the issues you are experiencing could be caused by the condition.

