{"id":531,"date":"2017-06-06T02:56:40","date_gmt":"2017-06-06T02:56:40","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=531"},"modified":"2021-03-10T18:17:12","modified_gmt":"2021-03-10T18:17:12","slug":"21-remedies-sore-throat","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/21-remedies-sore-throat\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Remedies for a Sore Throat"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Having a sore throat sucks whether it\u2019s caused by hayfever, a cold, a flu or anything else. It tends to start with coughing and tickling in the back of the throat and eventually it develops into such a constant and uncomfortable pain that you just don\u2019t want to cough any more when you need to and that you start to struggle to get to sleep and otherwise just to go about your usual day without constantly being distracted by the pain.<\/p>\n

So how do you go about curing a sore throat? What can you do to ease the discomfort so that you can go back to resting and recovering? In this post, we\u2019re going to take a look at a pretty comprehensive list of solutions that should help you to quickly ease the pain so that you can move on with your life. And worry about the runny nose and stinging eyes instead at least\u2026<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Gargle With Salt Water<\/h3>\n

Salt water (saline solution) is a natural antiseptic that can kill off bacteria, fight infections and prevent infections from spreading or getting worse. If you gargle often, you\u2019ll find that this can kill off microbial infections and quickly bring your sore throat to an end. At the same time, the salt helps to dehydrate the throat which actually makes the area less hospitable to the bacteria. This isn\u2019t a pleasant thought but it works and will speed up the recovery. This is also going to have some anti-inflammatory<\/a> benefit too as the salt draws water from the tissues.<\/p>\n

Make sure you don\u2019t drink the salt water however, as this will result in you likely being sick shortly thereafter!<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Get Some Vitamin D<\/h3>\n

If your sore throat is caused by an infection, then it turns out that one of the very best things you can do is to get vitamin D. The best way to do that is to spend a little time outside in the sunlight which will encourage the body to produce more vitamin D naturally.<\/p>\n

Studies have recently shown that vitamin D is incredibly beneficial for the immune system and that taking it might actually be as effective as some vaccinations<\/a> at combating colds and flus.<\/p>\n

Spending time outdoors is a good idea generally as well, as it will mean you\u2019re breathing in fresh air (also good for the throat) and the sun can boost your energy levels not to mention your mood!<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Honey and Lemon<\/h3>\n

Honey is one of the best options for combating a sore throat<\/a> and is regularly recommended among other ingredients. Honey will soothe the throat instantly as it coats it and lubricates it. What\u2019s more is that honey may be effective at releasing some of the effects of allergies such as hayfever naturally.<\/p>\n

Moreover, honey is hypertonic, meaning that it will draw out the excess fluid from inflamed tissue (i.e. it is anti-inflammatory!).<\/p>\n

The lemon is useful because it can alter the pH balance of the throat. The microbes that cause diseases are highly sensitive to these changes and this can actually kill off the germs.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Chewing Garlic<\/h3>\n

Garlic<\/a> is one of the very best antibacterial and anti-viral substances in your kitchen. While this is a definite way to give yourself awful breath, it\u2019s worth it if you want to drive out the bacteria and even prevent yeast infections.<\/p>\n

It should also offer some instant relief thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties and it has a lot of great health benefits besides for your stomach and your digestion.<\/p>\n

To use, simply take a little garlic and chew it slightly to release some juice. Keep it in your cheek and continue gradually. Also effective against vampires.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Steam Inhalation<\/h3>\n

Steam inhalation is commonly recommended for sinus infection<\/a>s and can help to clear out phlegm and mucus. This is great if you are struggling to breathe and that in itself can help you out by preventing you from needing to constantly breathe through your mouth and thereby giving the throat a little respite.<\/p>\n

Steam inhalation will also help to relax the muscles of the throat however and open up the airways, making it a triple threat for combating sore throats. To use, simply hang your head over a bowl of hot water and drape a towel around you to prevent the steam escaping. Taking a nice warm bath will also do you good.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Chamomile Tea<\/h3>\n

Chamomile tea<\/a> is a soothing and relaxing beverage that many of us will be accustomed to using when we have sore throats.<\/p>\n

Chamomile tea tastes great with honey which gives you a ton of additional benefits and it can help to improve your mood and make you feel less irritable. It is naturally soothing for the throat and anti-inflammatory.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Essential Oils<\/h3>\n

There are a bunch of different oils that you can either consume or inhale in order to help open up the airways, kill bacteria, relax the muscles and ease inflammation. These include things like bergamot oil<\/a>, lemon oil and clove oil.<\/p>\n

A single bite of clove can give your tongue a numbing sensation that will be felt all the way to the back of the throat. It has a broad range of antimicrobial and antiseptic properties too and it is great when gargled. It\u2019s also used to treat toothache, mouth ulcers and more.<\/p>\n

Use with caution however. Clove oil will burn the mouth if used undiluted and many other essential oils are also unfit for consumption. Check the label!<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Warm Compress<\/h3>\n

Like most causes of pain and discomfort, a sore throat<\/a> can be eased considerably with a simple warm compress. Take a warm flannel and just hold it against the throat.<\/p>\n

The warmth will help to numb the pain and at the same time, will relax the muscles to open up the airways and to prevent irritation.<\/p>\n

You can make a warm compress using a \u2018rice sock\u2019. Here, you take a sock, fill it with rice and then microwave it for just a short amount of time. The uncooked rice will absorb the heat and hold onto it and that then gives you a convenient warm compress you can use anywhere!<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Ice Pops<\/h3>\n

If you twist your ankle or bang your arm, what do you do? Normally you apply ice. Applying ice to the outside of your throat won\u2019t work so well and is uncomfortable to say the least\u2026 so what about doing the same thing on the inside?<\/p>\n

Sucking an ice pop will help to instantly numb the area and alleviate some of the pain. And seeing as many of these will also provide you with lots of vitamins<\/a> and other nutrients, they could help speed up recovery.<\/p>\n

Of course ice cream is also a good option, as is making your own ice pops just freezing some juice in a tray.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Analgesics<\/h3>\n

Sometimes the best remedies are the most obvious ones. Whether you take paracetamol or ibuprofen<\/a>, using shop-bought analgesics can usually offer instant relief and long lasting benefits.<\/p>\n

These drugs work by changing the way that the brain responds to pain signals (at the nociceptor sites) and thereby dulls any kind of ache. This is great news for a sore throat if it means you notice the tickling and discomfort less too, as that means you might start to cough a little less frequently, in turn meaning you cause less damage.<\/p>\n

Analgesics are well tolerated with no known side effects and there\u2019s no reason to be a hero and to troop on without them!<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Cough Sweets<\/h3>\n

Cough sweets are similarly another option you can just buy from the store which will help you top alleviate pain and discomfort. Normally, these will contain instantly soothing ingredients that line the throat and help to ease discomfort.<\/p>\n

They might also contain topical painkillers and potentially anti-inflammatory<\/a> agents too. Cough sweets are popular for a reason and the fact that you suck them means that the benefits will last a long time.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Sage Tea<\/h3>\n

Sage tea<\/a> comes from an aromatic leaf and is great for relieving the discomfort of a sore throat. These teas have antiseptic and astringent properties and this makes them useful in pre-empting the on-set of a sore throat when you have a cold as well.<\/p>\n

In fact, this is generally good advice: when you notice the symptoms of your sore throat starting to come on, try addressing the problem then rather than waiting for it to gain momentum and become more serious.<\/p>\n

Sage tea can be made with dried or fresh leaves and is a fairly strong drink that takes some getting used to.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Antihistamines<\/h3>\n

If your sore throat is caused by an allergy, then an obvious way to treat it is simply to treat the allergy itself! Most of us will get some instant relief by using antihistamines<\/a> which work by removing the substance that causes the allergic reaction in the brain (histamine!).<\/p>\n

These can make you drowsy though, seeing as histamine is a excitatory neurotransmitter. If you\u2019re concerned about that, then look for the products that say \u2018non-drowsy\u2019 on the packet. You can also use these just before bed, at which point they also become a useful sleeping aid.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Tennis Ball<\/h3>\n

Mostly we\u2019ve looked at medical options and handy natural remedies you might have around the hoes. So, what does a tennis ball have to do with anything??<\/p>\n

Well, the simple matter is that one of the biggest culprits when it comes to a sore throat is snoring<\/a>. If you are clogged up, then you\u2019ll often snore when you sleep, leading you to wake up feeling much worse! If that is something that sounds familiar, then one of the best solutions is to try sleeping on your side, which will prevent your throat from closing over so easily.<\/p>\n

And how do you make sure you stay on your side while you\u2019re asleep? One option is to place a tennis ball in the back of your pyjama top!<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Hydrogen Peroxide<\/h3>\n

Hydrogen peroxide<\/a> is commonly used as an oral disinfectant that is used after a tooth extraction. It can also be used after tonsillectomy. The real benefit here is that it is disinfectant and therefore can help to kill off some of those unwanted bacteria to help you overcome the infection more quickly if it\u2019s a cold.<\/p>\n

The bubbling you notice is caused by the release of oxygen which is what kills off the anaerobic bacteria that is responsible for a lot of illnesses.<\/p>\n

You can get 3% hydrogen peroxide from most chemists. Mix with equal parts water and use to gargle and you will find it causes immediate benefits and hopefully speeds up your overall recovery.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Rest<\/h3>\n

As with any illness or infection, rest is often going to be among the most important ways to address a sore throat. As you rest, you give your body a break from the demands you place on it during the day. This in turn means it will have the opportunity to recover and for the immune system<\/a> to do its thing.<\/p>\n

It doesn\u2019t matter if you\u2019re not sleeping, but just give yourself a break from work, from working out and from anything else that requires effort and raises your heartrate. Long walks are also out of the question.<\/p>\n

Meanwhile, try to avoid anything that involves talking too much \u2013 as this will aggravate the affected area. If you speak on the phone at work then definitely do not go in. Your colleagues won\u2019t thank you for all the coughing anyway!<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Vitamin C<\/h3>\n

Vitamin C<\/a> is one of the most important things you can use to fortify your immune system and to help it deal with any foreign invaders.<\/p>\n

Any multivitamin will likely do the trick, although you\u2019ll get more benefits if you choose fruits. Remember, citrus fruits like oranges can also help to kill off bacteria directly, making them a great choice.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Marshmallows<\/h3>\n

Many of us enjoy the fact that we have an excuse to eat ice cream when we have a sore throat. Well, good news: you\u2019re also allowed to eat marshmallows<\/a>! These sweet and soft, making them highly comforting\u2026<\/p>\n

Okay, sorry to burst your bubble but that\u2019s not actually the type of marshmallow I\u2019m talking about. Rather, I\u2019m talking about the marshmallow plant Althaea officinalis.<\/p>\n

This is a plant with medicinal properties that can relieve sore throats and coughs thanks to large amoutns of \u2018mucilage\u2019. It is also used to make into jelly-type candies and they can provide the same relief potentially. So there you go\u2026 you can eat sweets after all!<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Water<\/h3>\n

Water is the number one remedy for pretty much any ailment out there. Not only does water hydrate you, giving your body more fuel and power to fight infections and reduce various symptoms; but it also helps to cool your body down and is very important if your sore throat also comes with a fever<\/a>.<\/p>\n

On top of that, water helps to encourage the body to keep flushing itself out, which in turn will help you to drive out the invaders. Drink cold water with some ice cubes and you\u2019ll get extra relief from its numbing effects, too.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Iced Tea<\/h3>\n

Iced tea<\/a> is a great option for those who enjoy it. Warm tea can soothe a throat and as we\u2019ve seen, cool drinks are also good at helping to soothe us. What\u2019s more, is that there is astringent in tea that helps to relieve inflammation. Not only that, but iced tea is also very effective at encouraging blood flow to the area and it provides antioxidants to boost your immune system.<\/p>\n

The great thing about iced tea is that it won\u2019t go cold like warm tea. That means you can make yourself a big old vat and then store it in the fridge for constant refills.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Peppermint<\/h3>\n

Peppermint<\/a> can be enjoyed in a number of ways and the menthol it contains has both a cooling effect and numbing effect. It\u2019s not actually cold like ice but will help to freshen the mouth (also good for killing the halitosis that can come with a cold!) and it\u2019s great at killing off bacteria. If you can\u2019t find fresh peppermint, then you can use dried leaves or you can try finding lozenges or candies in order to suck on.<\/p>\n

Combine a few of these options for a powerful and instant relieving effect!<\/p>\n\r\n
