{"id":5356,"date":"2019-04-05T05:45:02","date_gmt":"2019-04-05T05:45:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=5356"},"modified":"2021-03-30T13:59:04","modified_gmt":"2021-03-30T13:59:04","slug":"14-natural-ways-to-stop-bunions-from-getting-worse","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/14-natural-ways-to-stop-bunions-from-getting-worse\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Natural Ways to Stop Bunions from Getting Worse"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Do you have a bony growth growing on the outside or underside of your big toe? \u2013 It could very well be the start of a bunion. Bunions occur due to stress on the joint of the big toe \u2013 most commonly caused by wearing improper footwear that compresses the toes, such as high-heel shoes. Most high-heels have pointy toe-boxes that squeeze the toes together, creating joint distress in the toes.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Bunions cause sensations of discomfort and pain as the condition progresses. If left untreated and unmanaged, bunions will start to limit e range of motion in your big toe, and symptoms of inflammation begin to spread to other regions of the foot. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Bunions slowly spread the bones of the foot apart, resulting in pain and inflammation. Here are eight tips you can use to prevent the progression of bunions and minimize the impact of pain and swelling symptoms associated with the condition.

1.  Orthotics<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

People with structural and posture issues could end up developing bunions<\/a>. Those individuals with flat feet or fallen arches place extra stress on the ankles and heel bones when walking or standing. \u00a0The lack of arch support forces the knees to move inward toward each other, resulting in a bow-effect that damages the joints of the hips, knees, and ankles. Women are at a higher risk of developing bowed legs because their hips are wider than men. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Structural and posture issues create an ideal environment for the development of bunions.  When people with flat feet or women with wide hips walk, they place extra pressure on the inside of the foot, resulting in a thinning of the heel pad and pressure on the ankle joint which leads to the formation of a bunion.  <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Treating flat feet requires teaching the affected individual how to walk correctly, lifting the arch of the foot to allow for proper alignment of the joints and ligaments. It’s a significant challenge and requires a podiatrist to fit the person for orthotics that support the foot in the correct posture when walking.


2.  Make Sensible Footwear Choices<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

A study by The College of Podiatry in 2017, found that over half of all women wear the wrong size shoe. A third of the 2000 women surveyed said that they often wear shoes that don’t fit them correctly.  <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Wearing ill-fitting shoes can be dangerous as it creates many adverse health risks with your feet, knees, and hips.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Women who wear high heels during their youth and career years might develop bunions. The tight toe-boxes of these shoes force the toes inward, placing pressure on the joint of the big toe that results in the development of a bunion. High heels may also lead to the onset of Morton\u2019s neuroma, a condition where the tissues between the toes thicken, placing pressure on the nerves that results in a feeling of numbness <\/a>in the toes.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Toss out the heels and get yourself some comfortable shoes with accommodative toe-boxes that allow your toes to spread.


3. Lose Weight<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

The definition of obesity <\/a>is when an individual exceeds 20% of the maximum weight for their age and height, depending on their gender. \u00a0It’s a chronic health problem affecting the population of Western society. Being obese is an entirely different situation from merely being overweight. It’s a physical disorder involving adipose body tissue, (body fat,) that exacerbates the risk of developing a multitude of dangerous health problems.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Obesity is treatable and requires education into the proper use of nutrition to reduce the affected individual’s body weight. Since obese people tend to have poor dietary choices, working with a professional dietician to create a healthy meal plan is the best way to ensure they lose weight.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Obese people place significant pressure on their lower limbs, resulting in structural problems affecting the feet. The development of bunions and ligament issues – such as plantar fasciitis, are relatively common in obese individuals, and may further affect their mobility.


4.  Compression Socks, Splints, and Braces<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

People who are suffering from bunions should consider wearing compression socks during the day. Compression socks pull together all of the ligaments <\/a>and soft tissues in the foot, providing a compressive force that enhances circulation. Improving circulation helps the foot recover from the effects of the bunion while reducing symptoms of pain and inflammation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

You can\u2019t wear compression socks at night. Your body is not a pressurized system, so when you lay flat, there\u2019s no benefit to wearing compression socks. During the night time, try wearing a brace or splint to keep your toes separated while you sleep. Wearing a brace or splint helps your toes recover and forces them into the correct position.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Speak to your podiatrist about the different grades of compression socks to find out which type will suit your best. Your specialist will also advise you on the types of splints and braces available, helping you make an informed purchase decision.


5.  Massage and Stretch Your Feet<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Unfortunately, there are no massage or stretching techniques that can cure the development of a bunion. However, there are stretches and exercises <\/a>you can do to increase the strength of your foot, and work out the tension that\u2019s building up in the ligaments, such as the peroneal tendon and plantar fascia.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Start your therapy session by pulling your toes apart and massaging the tissue in-between each digit. Then, take a marble, and try to pick it up by spreading your toes apart. This exercise may be challenging and cause pain for those individuals with severe bunion symptoms. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Massage and stretch the fascia tissue under your foot by standing on a tennis ball and rolling it from the heel to the ball of your foot. When you reach the ball of your foot, press down hard to separate the tendons in the toes -Repeat this stretching and massage twice a day when possible.


6. Drink Green Tea<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Green tea<\/a> originates in the mountainous regions of the far east, in locations around Taiwan, China, and Japan. Traditional medicine relies on the potent anti-inflammatory properties of green tea to assist with reducing symptoms of a wide variety of ailments.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Drinking green tea may help to limit the amount of inflammation in your bunion. The potent polyphenol catechins found in green tea \u2013 EGCG, help curb systemic inflammation in the body. We recommend you brew yourself a cup of green tea, and then use the tea bag as a cold compress. The skin absorbs the polyphenol catechins in the tea leaves, reducing symptoms of pain and swelling associated with bunions.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Never add boiling water to your green tea; the extreme heat destroys the beneficial compounds. Boil the kettle and wait three minutes before adding the water to your tea. Let the leaves steep for 5-minutes and drink. We recommend you get three to four servings of this beverage every day to limit symptoms of inflammation.


7.  Use a Curcumin Supplement<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Turmeric is an Indian spice that\u2019s renowned for its traditional healing properties. Unfortunately, turmeric <\/a>stains anything it comes in contact with yellow. This staining effect makes it undesirable as a topical skin treatment, and drinking the powder in water will stain your lips and mouth bright yellow.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The active ingredient in turmeric \u2013 curcumin, is the compound responsible for giving turmeric its anti-inflammatory properties. Fortunately, there are plenty of supplement companies that offer curcumin in its isolated format. These curcumin capsules mean that you don\u2019t have to worry about staining your teeth and lips yellow, or leaving your fingers looking like you smoked a thousand cigarettes.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Supplement manufacturers include piperine in their curcumin formulation. This black pepper extract helps to improve the bioavailability of the curcumin, ensuring that you receive the full benefits of the supplement. Consuming one to three grams of curcumin each day will help reduce the symptoms of inflammation associated with bunions.


8.  Surgery Options<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

When all else fails taking the natural route to cure your bunions, you may have to think about surgery <\/a>instead. Those individuals with large, painful bunions may have to undergo invasive surgery, such as Tenex, to remove the scar tissue around the toe joint and restore mobility to the big toe.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Speak to your podiatrist about bunion surgery, and if it\u2019s worth considering for your situation. Operation is not always effective, and some people may experience a re-growth of the bunion in the months following the Tenex procedure.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Invasive surgery is always hard on your central nervous system, even such minimally invasive techniques as Tenex. As a result, you may find other symptoms of inflammatory disease increase in the days after the procedure.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Surgery should always be your last option. Try these natural remedies before you decide to go under the surgeon\u2019s knife \u2013 or laser, as is the case with Tenex.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Surgery is generally a last resort, but it’s the only method that’s been proven to truly correct a bunion and eliminate the pain it causes. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

There are several types of surgery, and the options vary depending on whether your deformity is mild, moderate, or severe. While many people are glad they went through with the procedure, there’s no guarantee: <\/p>\n\n\n\n

One study found that about a third of patients were dissatisfied, even when their pain and toe alignment improved; in another survey, 85 to 90% of patients were happy with the results. The good news, says Oloff, is that there’s rarely any need to rush into bunion surgery, so you can (and should) try other fixes first.<\/p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n


9. Ultrasound Therapy<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

UT is a new therapy designed to reduce inflammation <\/a>and enhance the healing process in wounds and disorders affecting the ligaments and muscles of the body. There are two types of ultrasound therapy available. Both of these methods use ultrasonic sound waves to break up scar tissue in the foot around the bunion. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Thermal ultrasound therapy involves the continuous transmission of sound waves to the affected area. The ultrasonic sound waves create vibrations in tissues at the molecular level, resulting in an increase of friction and heat in the affected area. The heating effect increases circulation to the toe, resulting in relief from pain symptoms.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The second type of ultrasound therapy, Mechanical ultrasound therapy, provides pulses of sound waves to penetrate the tissues in the foot and big toe. This ultrasonic therapy creates contraction and expansion of gas particles in the muscles, resulting in a decrease of inflammation in the big toe.


10. Icepacks<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

When a bunion reaches the advanced stages, it causes symptoms of severe pain and swelling <\/a>in the big toe. This inflammation can make it challenging to put on shoes, and it may also affect a person\u2019s mobility. Every time the person walks, they may experience flashes of pain as the big toe moves. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

At the end of the working day, the affected individual will arrive at home, remove their shoes, and find that their big toe is red a swollen. Covering the area with an icepack is one of the most effective home remedies for reducing symptoms of inflammation and swelling, while soothing pain symptoms.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Since the toe is not a flat surface, it’s best to ice the area with something that conforms to the contours of the foot – such as a bag of frozen peas.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Never apply the ice source directly to the skin, as it may result in ice-burn. Wrap the bag of peas in a dish towel and press it to the affected toe. You should start to notice the inflammation and pain symptoms subside immediately. Ice for 5-minutes on, then 5-minutes off \u2013 repeat as necessary.


11. Reduce Inflammation<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Bunions are an inflammatory condition affecting the tissues around the big toe joint. When inflammation occurs, it swells the toe to an abnormal size, producing symptoms of pain in the joint <\/a>when the patient tries to flex their big toe.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Reducing inflammation, especially systemic inflammation, should be the top priority for anyone dealing with a bunion. Swelling occurs due to stress on the joint from walking, as well as inflammatory particles circulating in the bloodstream.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The diet you eat can affect levels of inflammation in the body. Refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and sugar, are primary culprits for creating systemic inflammation in the body.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

When we eat refined carbs, the intestinal wall swells from the inflammation. As a result, inflammatory particles and toxins escape through the permeable wall of the digestive system where they enter the bloodstream.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Reduce inflammation by following a high-fat, medium protein diet that avoids carbohydrates. This style of ketogenic dieting has proven health benefits for reducing the presence and effects of systemic inflammation in the body.


12. Exercise and Recovery<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

Bunions can occur in both physically active and sedentary <\/a>people. Bunions are common in runners that push their training too far or choose to run in shoes that don\u2019t fit them properly. A runner\u2019s bunion may start as a small bump on the inside of the big toe that doesn\u2019t create cause for attention in the beginning. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

However, as the month’s pass, the bunion grows in size to the point where the runner can no longer fit into their shoes. At this stage, the disorder begins to induce severe pain symptoms as well. Should the runner fail to receive treatment, they run the risk of having to hang up their running shoes for good.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Exercise is vital for maintaining levels of excellent health. However, it\u2019s critical that you listen to your body and let it recover between your training sessions. People with small bunions can inhibit its growth through preventative strategies such as not training when their feet hurt.


13. Stay Off Your Feet at Night<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

People who are living with bunions need to do all they can to relieve pressure and stress on their feet and toes. When you get home from the office of the gym, make sure you ice your bunion to ease the swelling. Stay off of your feet as much as possible while you\u2019re at home. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

Elevate your feet while you sit on the couch to improve circulation to your toes. Increasing circulation helps the body fight off the effects on inflammation <\/a>and minimize the swelling while reducing pain symptoms. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

If you have to cook, then make sure you do so barefoot if possible, and try to use a pair of open-toed sandals around the house. The slippers must allow our toes to remain free, so avoid using flip-flops that have a bridge that fits between your big toe and first inside toe. Remove the sandals when you get back on the couch and put your feet up.


14.    Surgery Options<\/h3>\n\n\n\n

When all else fails taking the natural route to cure your bunions, you may have to think about surgery instead. Those individuals with large, painful bunions may have to undergo invasive surgery, such as Tenex, to remove the scar tissue <\/a>around the toe joint and restore mobility to the big toe.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Speak to your podiatrist about bunion surgery, and if it\u2019s worth considering for your situation. Operations are not always effective, and some people may experience a re-growth of the bunion in the months following the Tenex procedure.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Invasive surgery is always hard on your central nervous system, even such minimally invasive techniques as Tenex. As a result, you may find other symptoms of inflammatory disease increase in the days after the procedure.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Surgery should always be your last option. Try these natural remedies before you decide to go under the surgeon\u2019s knife \u2013 or laser, as is the case with Tenex.

