{"id":602,"date":"2017-06-07T11:27:26","date_gmt":"2017-06-07T11:27:26","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=602"},"modified":"2021-03-10T19:30:36","modified_gmt":"2021-03-10T19:30:36","slug":"21-anti-inflammatory-foods","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/21-anti-inflammatory-foods\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Anti-Inflammatory Foods"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"There are a lot of very important reasons to look out for anti-inflammatory foods. While inflammation is actually a good thing under the right circumstances and a sign that your body is attempting to heal an injury or potentially drive out an infection, it can also be a very bad thing.<\/p>\n

For starters, chronic inflammation such as that seen during arthritis is clearly a negative thing. This can cause severe discomfort and pain and make it very hard to do regular things.<\/p>\n

But what might also be a serious issue is the inflammation that you don\u2019t see \u2013 and particularly the inflammation that affects the brain. During inflammation, the body releases what are known as \u2018pro-inflammatory cytokines\u2019 and these can cause swelling in the joints as well as swelling in the brain and other areas. This has actually been linked to brain fog and even depression \u2013 with some theories suggesting that it may be one of the leading causes of depression.<\/p>\n

Think back to the last time you had a cold, flue or infection. Chances are you didn\u2019t just feel physically unwell but that you also had very low energy, low motivation and low attention span. You probably felt a little miserable and experienced brain fog. The reason for all this is now thought to be the pro-inflammatory cytokines.<\/p>\n

Now imagine that you are living with low-level inflammation all the time. No wonder you don\u2019t feel your best! And in the long term, inflammation can actually attack body tissues, resulting in skin problems, allergies, digestive disorders and even chronic fatigue syndrome. There are schools of thought that place inflammation as the culprit for many modern health issues.<\/p>\n

So, with all that in mind, what can you do to combat it? Plenty of rest, water and de-stressing will be a good start. But likewise, you should also try to seek out various anti-inflammatory foods. These include\u2026<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Tuna<\/h3>\n

Tuna is an oily fish which means that it contains a fair amount of omega 3 fatty acid. There are plenty of reasons that omega 3 fatty acid is good for you including its ability to promote cell-membrane<\/a> permeability.<\/p>\n

What it also does though, is to improve your ratio of omega 3 to omega 6. The more omega 3 you have in the body, the less omega 6. Omega 6 is not bad for us and in fact it is important too \u2013 but modern diets contain too much of it as it is used as a preservative in a lot of food. And guess what happens when you have too much omega 6 compared to omega 3? Inflammation happens!<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Salmon<\/h3>\n

Salmon is likewise a very good source of omega 3, which can provide the very same benefits.<\/p>\n

There are plenty more fish that do the same thing too, including mackerel<\/a>, sardines, herring and anchovies. But tuna and salmon are the tastiest\u2026<\/p>\n

To get the most benefit from these fish, make sure you eat it several times a week and that you cook it in a healthy manner such as pan frying in a light amount of oil. And of course you can take a fish oil supplement, or just go straight to the source and have an omega 3 supplement!<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Leafy Green Vegetables<\/h3>\n

Dark green vegetables include kale, collard greens, swiss chard<\/a> and spinach. All of these provide you with a ton of antioxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids and vitamin C.<\/p>\n

All of this can help to protect the cells against damage, which is another way in which you can protect yourself from one of the causes of inflammation.<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Apples<\/h3>\n

Apples are a great source of vitamin C, which as we\u2019ve already discussed can prevent cell damage. So what does that really mean? Well, it means that there will be less oxidation caused by free radicals, which in turn means less damage caused to the cell walls and less damage to the nuclei of the cells.<\/p>\n

Any kind of damage can lead to inflammation and so antioxidants<\/a> are an excellent way to prevent this from building up \u2013 and to give yourself better long-term health in a variety of other ways too.<\/p>\n

Apples are also good for raising your serotonin and lowering cortisol, reducing stress which also leads to oxidation and inflammation. On top of that, apples are a source of epicatechin which widens the blood vessels and which enhances recovery.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Cordyceps Mushroom<\/h3>\n

For all these reasons, apples may just be one of the best cures for modern living. They reduce stress, boost the mood and support the immune system.<\/p>\n

And another superfood that can do this is cordyceps mushroom<\/a>. This is actually a fungus that grows out of the heads of caterpillars\u2026 but don\u2019t let that put you off! It is also packed with healthy benefits and a great choice for anyone looking to restore their energy levels and overcome adrenal fatigue while reducing stress. It has more interesting effects than we can list here\u2026 so look it up!<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Beets<\/h3>\n

Beets<\/a> contain an especially potent antioxidant called betalain.<\/p>\n

This is what gives beets their rich color and it\u2019s also what makes them so great when it comes to their anti-inflammatory properties. Beets can protect your cells and fight inflammation at a cellular level and they also help to repair damage through potassium and magnesium.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, is that beets are actually great for widening the blood vessels via a process called vasodilation. This increases blood flow, which in turn can help to combat inflammation and carry nutrients around the body where they\u2019re needed.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Broccoli<\/h3>\n

Broccoli comes with plenty of potassium and magnesium and is full of antioxidants. It also has lots of vitamin C and when you combine these things together, you get a food that is powerfully effective at strengthening the body against inflammation-causing free radicals.<\/p>\n

It can reduce oxidative stress and chronic inflammation<\/a> and it is generally very good for you.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Coconut Water<\/h3>\n

Coconut water is great for combating inflammation and for improving your general health for a number of reasons. For starters, coconut water is a naturally balanced source of electrolytes including potassium, sodium<\/a>, calcium and more.<\/p>\n

This helps to improve communication between your nerves and your muscles, it improves your general health and it provides you with more energy. It also helps the body to repair itself and to combat the effects that lead to inflammation in the first place.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Blueberries<\/h3>\n

Blueberries are some of the most powerful superfoods in the world thanks to their massive helping of antioxidants.<\/p>\n

They have enjoyed a ton of research looking at their health benefits for the nervous system and their brain and it seems they can do everything from boosting cognitive function to enhancing the memory.<\/p>\n

They are low on the glycemic index meaning they won\u2019t flood the body with sugar and they are shown to reduce the risk of eye disease<\/a>, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and of course inflammation.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Pineapple<\/h3>\n

Pineapple is another great source of nutrients including vitamin C, magnesium and much of the other stuff that we\u2019ve already discussed so far as being super good for you. But what it also has is bromelain<\/a> \u2013 a digestive enzyme that is used to break up your food and help you digest it.<\/p>\n

This helps with nutrient absorption meaning you get more benefit from all of your other foods but it also helps to fight unwanted inflammation.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s also great at stopping blood clots and can reduce your risk of heart attack. Be aware though: you will be picking it out of your teeth for months to come.<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Honey<\/h3>\n

One of the unfortunate reasons we might experience higher-than-ideal levels of inflammation is allergy. Many of us carry allergies<\/a> that are triggered as we go about our day and one of the ways the body fights this is to create pro-inflammatory cytokines.<\/p>\n

This actually means that the body will think it is fighting an infection or unwanted bacteria. Some people believe that honey can help to avoid this problem by introducing trace amounts of the pollen that causes the inflammation in the first place.<\/p>\n

At the very least, it\u2019s a great source of energy (with fructose and sucrose) can combat some unwanted toxins (including the ones that cause hangovers!) and is naturally soothing.<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Bok Choy<\/h3>\n

Bok choy<\/a> can be added to a delicious stir fry recipe and will go great with a little beef and some soy sauce.<\/p>\n

They are also generally low calorie and very good for you. Plus they\u2019re an excellent source of vitamin C and minerals all of which can help to protect the cells like other items on this list.<\/p>\n

But where bok choy really comes into its own is in its omega 3s and zinc. We\u2019ve already discussed omega 3 and as it happens, zinc can also act as a s \u2018chain breaking\u2019 counter to free radicals. Get this in your diet!<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Celery<\/h3>\n

Celery is high in vitamin c, beta-carotene<\/a> and manganese. It also contains a ton of phytonutrients which are some of the most potent nutrients in our diets. More research is being done on these powerful plant nutrients all the time but what we already know is that they\u2019re very good for us.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, is that celery contains plenty of water and water has also been shown to be one of the most powerful tools for combating inflammation.<\/p>\n

In fact, drinking more water will improve your health in countless ways and is especially good for the brain and for eliminating brain fog.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Raisins<\/h3>\n

Raisins are sweet and delicious and they\u2019re packed with antioxidants. They can slow down the growth of unwanted bacteria that leads to gum disease<\/a> and they might even be able to prevent periodontal disease.<\/p>\n

And what is gum disease? Well actually it is a form of inflammation caused by bacteria. Raisins can combat this problem then and they can also provide a very healthy way to make your meals healthier.<\/p>\n

Sprinkle a few on your breakfast cereal or perhaps on a salad.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Water<\/h3>\n

I\u2019ve already touched on this but drinking water is perhaps the most important way to combat inflammation. You might associate inflammation with water and fluid but the key to understand here is that the cells hold onto more fluids when they aren\u2019t getting enough. If you are dehydrated then, you\u2019ll store more water and gain a \u2018puffy look\u2019.<\/p>\n

Drink more water and your body starts flushing itself out again, which includes removing fluid from inflamed sites around the body.<\/p>\n

Most of the Western world is dehydrated most of the time, which is absurd considering our easy access to clean drinking water. Inflammation<\/a> is just one symptom of this dehydration and brain fog certainly is\u2026 so get more water! Aim for seven glasses of seven ounces a day.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Basil and Herbs<\/h3>\n

Herbs such as basil<\/a> are particularly good for inflammation and in fact, they are regularly recommended to those suffering with chronic inflammation conditions such as arthritis. Some good options include cloves, cinnamon, oregano, sage and more and all of these also add great ways to make your meals tastier without adding any extra calories.<\/p>\n

Lots of them provide useful health benefits beyond anti-inflammatory properties too.<\/p>\n

Basil in particular is anti-microbial, helping you to fight many of the unwanted causes of inflammation. It has also been found to be effective when combating arthritis and that\u2019s thanks to an ingredient called eugenol. This actually has similar properties to many over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Ginger<\/h3>\n

Another great way to flavor your meals is to add a little ginger on to them. Ginger can relax and soothe the intestinal tract<\/a> and this helps to release intestinal gas. That in turn has a number of advantages and may help reduce inflammation.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, is that ginger is antioxidant. You can enjoy ginger as a tea by steeping it as you would a normal tea bag!<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Tart Cherries<\/h3>\n

Tart cherries are natural antioxidants that are packed with powerful nutrients that have been shown to reduce inflammation and osteoarthritis<\/a>. One study demonstrated just how powerful this effect was.<\/p>\n

Women were given cherry juice and they were then found to have reduced inflammation and markers throughout their entire body.<\/p>\n

This is particularly useful for runners and athletes. Cherries will also help the muscles to recover their strength faster post-workout!<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Garlic<\/h3>\n

Garlic is incredibly beneficial for a number of reasons. For starters, garlic is antimicrobial and anti-bacterial. It is often suggested to act as a natural antibiotic and it can certainly helps with certain digestive disorders as a result.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, is that garlic \u2013 like beets<\/a> \u2013 is another vasodilator. To remind you what this means, it means that blood will make its way around the body more easily thanks to widened blood vessels.<\/p>\n

This aids with the delivery of nutrients as well, speeding up recovery from training and injury and thereby reducing inflammation.<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Green Tea<\/h3>\n

Green tea is recommended for just about everything and seems to have countless advantages over other beverages. We all know that it is a very potent source of antioxidants which right away means you can expect to enjoy protection from cell damage and therefore, lower rates of inflammation.<\/p>\n

It has also been shown to boost the brain, boost the metabolism, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and kill off bacteria<\/a>. All these things can help to combat inflammation.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more is that one study measured the effect that green tea would have on inflammation specifically and found that it was much lower in those that drank green tea regularly.<\/p>\n

Some forms of green tea can even help fight mental stress thanks to the inclusion of l-theanine, another ingredient that helps to relax the body and mind.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Yogurt<\/h3>\n

Finally, yogurt or foods like kefir, can be effective at reducing inflammation. This is because they can provide a source of healthy bacteria cultures which will then make their way to the stomach. The stomach is sometimes called the \u2018second brain\u2019 by biologists because it is responsible for producing a number of neurochemicals and actually has a lot of neurons<\/a>.<\/p>\n

This gut fauna also produces many digestive enzymes, kills bad bacteria and helps to break down food by eating it!<\/p>\n

In plain English, this means that the bacteria in your stomach (called \u2018fauna\u2019) is responsible in part for your mood, your stress levels and your ability to digest food and absorb nutrients. All this can help prevent inflammation too!<\/p>\n\r\n
