{"id":759,"date":"2017-06-19T03:05:14","date_gmt":"2017-06-19T03:05:14","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=759"},"modified":"2021-03-11T16:52:40","modified_gmt":"2021-03-11T16:52:40","slug":"13-remedies-dandruff","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/13-remedies-dandruff\/","title":{"rendered":"13 Remedies for Dandruff"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Dandruff is a condition that can be very embarrassing for those that experience it. The condition causes an itchy scalp, which when scratched, can then cause flakes of skin to fall onto the shoulders and around the neck. If you\u2019re wearing a dark colored top, then you can expect this to show up rather obviously \u2013 and be especially careful if you\u2019re planning on entering any rooms with a UV light!<\/p>\n

Dandruff is uncomfortable too. No one likes the feeling of an itchy scalp and especially as scratching can cause more discomfort or even bleeding. The knowledge that you have flaking bits of skin can add to the psychological itchiness and generally, it can be something of a nightmare.<\/p>\n

Fortunately, there are a number of different remedies and solutions you can use to reduce the symptoms of dandruff and to get your hair looking glossy and skin-free again. Likewise, there are a good number of ways to manage the symptoms and make your scalp less itchy while hiding the appearance of dandruff. Read on for some top tips\u2026<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Water<\/h3>\n

The number one cause of dandruff<\/a>? Simply it is dehydration. When we\u2019re dehydrated, this can cause our skin to become dehydrated too and this in turn can cause it to flake away from the scalp. Considering that a huge percentage of the population is chronically dehydrated, it is no stretch to consider that you might be too. Fortunately, there is a very easy solution to this problem and that\u2019s simply to drink more water. Do this and you should find that your skin is nicely hydrated and rejuvenated and that it stops falling off onto your shoulders!<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Coconut Oil<\/h3>\n

Coconut oil<\/a> is one of those remedies that seems to be popular for just about everything!<\/p>\n

The great thing about it is that it is both hydrating being a great moisturizer and an antifungal. That latter aspect means that it can help to kill off any fungi that might be contributing to your itchy scalp and flaking skin.<\/p>\n

To use coconut oil, take a little and mix it with lemon juice. Now rub onto the scalp and massage for a few minutes. Wash your hair after leaving it for at least 20 minutes and repeat this process two to three times a week.<\/p>\n

This is a great way to nourish the hair as well as the scalp. And seeing as coconut oil can also be used for cooking, in your coffee and even for shaving you should definitely start keeping some around\u2026<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Wear White Shirts<\/h3>\n

This isn\u2019t exactly the most long-term solution, but if your main concern regarding dandruff is that it is embarrassing to look at, then one of the first things you can do to see immediate relief is to swap your clothes for lighter colors.<\/p>\n

This way, there will be less contrast<\/a> between the dandruff and the color of the surface it is sitting on. Get rid of your black t-shirts or at least put them to the back of the closet until you\u2019ve addressed this problem!<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Moisturizing Shampoos<\/h3>\n

Moisturizing shampoos<\/a> are specifically designed to help restore the skin\u2019s natural oils.<\/p>\n

This is important because it can help to prevent the skin from becoming dried out on the scalp, which is what is likely causing the itchiness and the flaking.<\/p>\n

You\u2019ll find that many shampoos list themselves as being specifically anti-dandruff and it is worth giving these a short!<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Sensitive Shampoos<\/h3>\n

Then again, it may be the very chemicals in your shampoos that are causing the problem. If that is the case, then switching to a sensitive shampoo designed specifically for those with sensitive skin<\/a> can be a good idea.<\/p>\n

This can also prevent from stripping the skin of its natural oils and thereby give it a chance to heal.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Hat<\/h3>\n

Yes, a hat will help you to cover up your scalp and will also trap the dandruff against your head so that it is less likely to make its way down to your shoulders. Both of these benefits make it a powerful tool in subterfuge and in hiding your dandruff from the world.<\/p>\n

But that said, a hat also has a secondary, less obvious benefit. That is that it can hide your scalp<\/a> from the sun and this is actually one of the biggest causes of dandruff: sun burn! If your head is itchy and painful as well, then you might have just spent too long out in the sun\u2019s rays.<\/p>\n

This can burn your skin on your head and cause it to flake just like any other part of your body. So hat up and take a moment to escape to the shade occasionally.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0De-Stress<\/h3>\n

Stress can actually exacerbate a number of problems relating to your skin and that includes dandruff.<\/p>\n

It is commonly known that stress is closely linked with psoriasis<\/a> and this is no different: being stressed can increase inflammation and this in turn can cause skin to break away.<\/p>\n

If you are feeling stressed a lot, try to look for the sources of that stress in your daily life and address them. Otherwise, try to find a methods to manage it such as meditation or CBT.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0DON\u2019T Use Apple Cider Vinegar<\/h3>\n

I include this here in the interests of completeness and because you will likely come across this tip on your travels. Many people recommend that you use apple cider vinegar as a way to \u2018balance the pH\u2019 and thereby prevent the growth of yeast.<\/p>\n

But you know what? Apple cider vinegar is not the same pH as your skin \u2013 it is much too acidic. Your skin is the pH value it is because this is optimum for the correct oils to be produced. Oils that among other things, help to perform a protective barrier called the \u2018skin barrier\u2019 to keep bacteria out.<\/p>\n

This can actually risk damaging your scalp and your hair, so stay away from astringent<\/a> products like this.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Tea Tree Oil<\/h3>\n

One of the most common ingredients in organic and natural shampoos is tea tree oil<\/a>.<\/p>\n

You can also use this to make your own home-grown anti-dandruff shampoo. Just pour a few drops of the oil onto your scalp and then spread it evenly.<\/p>\n

Allow it to soak for around five minutes and then wash it off. It\u2019s that easy!<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Stop Washing<\/h3>\n

Not all together\u2026 but try to shower a little less often and avoid washing your hair for a while. This actually gives your hair time to restore the natural oils that protect it and that nourish the scalp and many people find that when they stop washing quite so often, their hair will look thicker and glossier.<\/p>\n

It can also cure your dandruff.<\/p>\n

The point to recognize here is that even just water can be enough to dry out your skin<\/a> \u2013 contradictory though that may sound!<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Cut Your Hair Shorter<\/h3>\n

Another quick and dirty solution to this problem is to grow your hair shorter. If your hair is long, then this can starve your scalp of light and cause skin to get caught up and trapped.<\/p>\n

If your hair is shorter, then it will fall out more easily and your scalp will have more oxygen<\/a> and more sunlight.<\/p>\n

This is easier for guys of course who can just take a razor to their heads to give themselves a buzz cut. Women might do better with a bob or another shorter haired look!<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Curd<\/h3>\n

A popular idea on many articles about dandruff cures is curd<\/a>. This is a slightly messy option but there is a fair amount of anecdotal evidence that suggests it can work quite effectively for some. To use it, apply a little curd to your hair and scalp and then sit tight for around an hour. After this time, wash it off with a mild shampoo.<\/p>\n

Yeah, the other downside is that you\u2019ll be sitting for quite some time waiting for it to wash off.<\/p>\n

Another option is to try using fenugreek seeds and you can also buy ready made packs using this. If you\u2019re into the \u2018natural\u2019 remedy options, these are among the most popular for dandruff.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Hormones\u2026<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019re in your teens, then consider that this is likely going to pass in time. That\u2019s because the production of oils by the skin is regulated largely by hormones such as testosterone<\/a> and oestrogen.<\/p>\n

As you go through puberty, these can be upset and that is what causes acne as well as other skin problems like dry, flaky skin and dandruff. Most of these things will pass, you just have to be patient and try to eat the right diet and get plenty of sleep.<\/p>\n

If you\u2019re older and you suspect that hormones might be the issue, then it could be a sign of a thyroid condition, or perhaps it might be the result of medication. Consider speaking with your physician about changing your course of medication or potentially getting hormone therapies to help or tests to look for underlying conditions.<\/p>\n\r\n
