{"id":815,"date":"2017-06-21T05:40:07","date_gmt":"2017-06-21T05:40:07","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/?p=815"},"modified":"2021-03-11T19:30:23","modified_gmt":"2021-03-11T19:30:23","slug":"21-home-remedies-diarrhea","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/simplyhealth.today\/21-home-remedies-diarrhea\/","title":{"rendered":"21 Home Remedies for Diarrhea"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Diarrhea is an awful condition that can force you to completely put your life on hold.
\nGot a cold? Then you can still muddle through and leave the house to buy supplies\/run errands. A broken bone? Then you just need to be careful not to bash the limb and to rest up whenever possible.<\/p>\n

But if you have diarrhea, then you are going to have no option other than to stay at home or at least make sure you stay near a toilet.<\/p>\n

So, in that way, diarrhea is actually one of the most disruptive conditions. On top of that, it can actually be dangerous if it leads to dehydration, making it even more important that you deal with the problem quickly and effectively.<\/p>\n

With that in mind, this post has collected 21 highly effective home remedies for diarrhea that can help you to overcome the condition or at least gain some relief. Let\u2019s take a look at them\u2026<\/p>\n

First though, what is it that causes diarrhea in the first place? Actually, there are a number of different issues which can make it somewhat difficult to treat.<\/p>\n

In many cases, diarrhea is actually caused by a bowel infection, which is called gastroenteritis. This in turn will often be the result of a norovirus or rotavirus. In other cases, it will be caused by bacteria such as clostridium difficile, Escherichia coli, salmonella or shigella. These are the bacteria which are responsible for food poisoning \u2013 so if you have eaten something that hasn\u2019t been properly cooked, or that has come into contact with something that hasn\u2019t been properly cooked, then that might be responsible.<\/p>\n

A number of parasites can also caused diarrhea. These include the giadia intestinalis parasite which causes diarrhea.<\/p>\n

But there is more. Diarrhea can also be the result of stress, with our hormones and moods actually having a profound effect on our bowel movements. It can come from consuming too much alcohol as well, or from food allergies and appendicitis. In some cases, diarrhea might be caused by malnutrition and if you aren\u2019t getting enough fiber then this can cause your stool to become very soft.<\/p>\n

Malabsorption of nutrients can also cause this problem.<\/p>\n

Finally, irritable bowel syndrome can also cause the issue. This is a condition that isn\u2019t fully understood but which is known to negatively impact on the functions of the bowels.<\/p>\n

With all this in mind, what can you do to help combat diarrhea and gain temporary and long-term relief? Let\u2019s take a look.<\/p>\n

1. \u00a0Water<\/h3>\n

When you have soft and rapid stool, you might be tempted to assume that hydration would be a negative thing. After all, it follows that drinking more water would make your stool softer and wetter.<\/p>\n

In fact though, drinking fluids is incredibly important when you have diarrhea<\/a> because diarrhea is draining your body of liquids, thereby leaving you potentially dehydrated. Dehydration causes many of the other negative symptoms that come from diarrhea, so make sure you are well hydrated.<\/p>\n

Likewise, consider that water is important for generally boosting your health and can even help you to better absorb nutrients from your food.<\/p>\n

\"\"2. \u00a0Banana<\/h3>\n

Banana can help you to get rid of your diarrhea faster than many other foods. This is because bananas contain potassium, which can help to absorb water. At the same time, these are dry carbohydrates<\/a> that can help to absorb moisture and pad out the stool.<\/p>\n

They\u2019re comforting and soft to consume when you have a painful stomach and in general, they are a good option for snacking when you are stuck near the toilet. If nothing else, these can help to rebalance lost electrolytes.<\/p>\n

\"\"3. \u00a0Yogurt<\/h3>\n

Also going into your diet is yogurt<\/a>. Yogurt contains bifid bacterium and lactobacillus acidophilus. What you need to know about these is that they are sources of \u2018healthy\u2019 bacteria, meaning that they can help to replace the negative bacteria in your gut and even prevent more from arriving.<\/p>\n

This healthy bacteria also aids with digestion and even improves your mood and brain function by releasing neurotransmitters.<\/p>\n

Keep in mind that this is not an overnight solution but one that is more likely to work in the long term!<\/p>\n

\"\"4. \u00a0Kefir<\/h3>\n

Kefir<\/a> is drink that is similar to yogurt and once again contains live cultures of beneficial bacteria. Thus it can have all of the same positive health effects that yogurt can but is available as a drink making it slightly more convenient.<\/p>\n

Note that this is a particularly good option for anyone who has been on a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill off bacteria which can cause infection but in doing so, they also risk killing off the good bacteria that lines the stomach.<\/p>\n

Yogurt and kefir can help to reverse this process, making them good options for recovering from diarrhea caused by antibiotics.<\/p>\n

\"\"5. \u00a0Ginger<\/h3>\n

Ginger is a well-known option for settling the stomach and helping to ease conditions such as diarrhea and stomach cramps.<\/p>\n

There are a number of things that make ginger so beneficial. There are a number of important active ingredients contained within ginger but the ones that are worth noting are gingerols and shogaols.<\/p>\n

These help to relax the intestinal track and thereby van be very useful for those that struggle with IBS in particular.<\/p>\n

To use, take a small piece of ginger and add a teaspoon of honey<\/a>. You can also steep it in hot water to make ginger tea.<\/p>\n

\"\"6. \u00a0Breathing<\/h3>\n

If your diarrhea is caused by stress, then one of the best solutions is to practice correct breathing. This will help to calm your nerves and activate the \u2018rest and digest\u2019 state via the parasympathetic nervous system.<\/p>\n

To send signals to your body that everything is okay and it can return to normal, breathe by first extending your stomach and allowing the diaphragm<\/a> to drop into the abdominal cavity. Now fill the lungs starting from the bottom and moving up to the top.<\/p>\n

Hold the breath for a couple of seconds, breathe out, and then repeat.<\/p>\n

\"\"7. \u00a0Fenugreek Seeds<\/h3>\n

Fenugreek<\/a> seeds are a great source of mucilage. Mucilage is important because it has a strong antidiarrheal effect, thereby helping you to quickly and effectively overcome the problem.<\/p>\n

Chew a teaspoon of fenugreek seed with a tablespoon of yogurt as one way to use this option.<\/p>\n

Otherwise, you can also take it with some cumin seeds for added benefits.<\/p>\n

\"\"8. \u00a0Avoid Caffeine<\/h3>\n

There are plenty of things you should avoid if you have diarrhea and one of these is caffeine. In fact, a strong cup of coffee is one of the things that is most likely to cause you to need to run to the toilet. This is partly because caffeine is a diuretic and a mild laxative<\/a> but also because it actually increases stress.<\/p>\n

Caffeine wakes up the brain by removing a substance called adenosine and this actually confuses the brain into thinking something very important and urgent must be happening.<\/p>\n

In response, you will start to produce adrenaline and other \u2018fight or flight\u2019 hormones which can result in churning of the stomach and rapid bowel movements.<\/p>\n

\"\"9. \u00a0Chamomile Tea<\/h3>\n

Chamomile tea<\/a> is similarly popular for treating a range of health complaints. Not only can it provide relief from abdominal pain but it is also useful for treating a range of stomach disorders such as diarrhea.<\/p>\n

To make chamomile tea, steep one teaspoon of chamomile flowers along with some peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water. It\u2019s also possible to find ready-made chamomile teabags.<\/p>\n

Either way, this is soothing and calming and can also be useful for treating a range of other stomach upsets.<\/p>\n

\"\"10. \u00a0Activated Charcoal<\/h3>\n

If you have just consumed something that is causing diarrhea or that you suspect might lead to diarrhea, then a good solution is to chase it down with a little activated charcoal!<\/p>\n

This works because it is porous and that allows it to basically absorb a lot of different substances just like a sponge. In the stool, this can be effective at absorbing moisture and helping to dry it out. But more importantly, it can also actually remove toxins<\/a> and bacteria from the stomach after you\u2019ve swallowed it, rendering them inert!<\/p>\n

While activated charcoal is a powerful remedy in a pinch, consider that it is not useful for consuming on a regular basis if you are healthy (despite the claims of some \u2018health experts\u2019).<\/p>\n

Drinking coffee with added activated charcoal or consuming teaspoons of it can also absorb the positive and beneficial nutrients from your food, eventually leading to malnutrition and deficiencies in the long-term!<\/p>\n

\"\"11. \u00a0Prunes<\/h3>\n

Prunes<\/a> are a fantastic source of fiber, which means that they can help to pad out the stool for some immediate relief.<\/p>\n

That\u2019s not the main reason that people eat prunes when they have diarrhea though: it can also help to absorb water and electrolytes into the stool thanks to the sorbitol content. This can help to restore the stool to the correct consistency and to quickly empty the bowels.<\/p>\n

Interestingly, prunes are useful for treating not only diarrhea, but also constipation!<\/p>\n

\"\"12. \u00a0Rice<\/h3>\n

Eating rice<\/a> is a useful plain food that you can eat while dealing with diarrhea.<\/p>\n

This is very easy for the body to digest and absorb, which means that you won\u2019t be adding additional gastrointestinal distress. At the same time though, rice also has the benefit of adding bulk to the stool and thereby providing some short-term relief from diarrhea.<\/p>\n

Note that rice works best when it is brown: this is more nutritious and also provides you with extra fiber which helps it to move through the intestines.<\/p>\n

\"\"13. \u00a0Potato<\/h3>\n

If you\u2019re looking for something else that can help with your diarrhea in the immediate term, then consider potato<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Potato will once again be able to add bulk to the stool thanks to the content of starch and this will reduce the softness of the diarrhea in the short-term.<\/p>\n

Note however that potato can be a cause of indigestion. If the problem is related to digestive issues, then perhaps consider potato off-limits.<\/p>\n

\"\"14. \u00a0Garlic<\/h3>\n

Garlic is a powerful natural anti-bacterial agent. When consumed it can help to kill of germs that are responsible for a range of issues, including food poisoning<\/a> and diarrhea.<\/p>\n

This makes it highly effective at reducing the symptoms in the long term and can be a useful alternative to antibiotics. Garlic has even been shown to be effective against some multi-drug resistant forms of bacteria such as the MRSA \u2018superbug\u2019.<\/p>\n

Discuss with your doctor before using garlic however, while it is effective it is less potent that prescribed medication.<\/p>\n

\"\"15. \u00a0Chia Seeds<\/h3>\n

Chia seeds have the ability to absorb several times their weight in water which makes them effective at slowly providing the body with a steady stream of hydrating fluids.<\/p>\n

Not only that, but this gives them the useful ability to soak up fluids in the gut and in the intestines and to add yet more bulk to the stool in the short term.<\/p>\n

\"\"16. \u00a0Aloe Vera<\/h3>\n

Aloe vera has a vast range of different health benefits and can be very helpful to keep around the house. Among other things, it might be effective in treating diarrhea where it is caused by bacteria.<\/p>\n

Like garlic, aloe vera is a natural antibiotic<\/a> and can therefore help to kill off bacteria in the stomach and in the intestines which might be responsible for diarrhea.<\/p>\n

Better yet, it is also anti-inflammatory and analgesic, which means it should also be able to help ease discomfort in the stomach and prevent inflammation that might be caused by an infection.<\/p>\n

\"\"17. \u00a0Apple Cider Vinegar<\/h3>\n

Apple cider vinegar can help you to launch a multi-pronged attack on your diarrhea.<\/p>\n

Firstly, this is another source of natural cultures of beneficial bacteria thanks to its status as a fermented food. If you want to get the very best effects of this, then you need to eat the \u2018mother\u2019 which is a large deposit containing lots of that beneficial bacteria in one place.<\/p>\n

What\u2019s more, is that apple cider vinegar aids with indigestion<\/a> and can thereby help to treat diarrhea that is a result of this issue and also to improve your absorption of nutrients.<\/p>\n

On top of all that, apple cider vinegar is nutritious.<\/p>\n

\"\"18. \u00a0Black Seed Oil<\/h3>\n

Black seed is often used to treat a range of different health complaints, including gas, colic, asthma<\/a> and diarrhea.<\/p>\n

This contains a number of active ingredients that can help to settle the stomach as well as to combat the unwanted bacteria.<\/p>\n

Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil in a cup of plain yogurt and then aim to eat around twice a day. This can help to increase the rate of recovery.<\/p>\n

\"\"19. \u00a0Avoid Bread<\/h3>\n

Bread can be a useful source of bulk for combating diarrhea and help you to overcome it in the long term.<\/p>\n

However, bread could also be what is causing your diarrhea in the first place. That\u2019s because bread contains gluten, which is absolutely fine and in fact beneficial in the diet for most people. But if you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance, then you will find that it has the precise opposite effect.<\/p>\n

A reaction to gluten causes the \u2018villi\u2019 that line the stomach to \u2018curl up\u2019 and stop providing their usual function of absorbing nutrients. This leads to malnutrition<\/a>, deficiencies and diarrhea.<\/p>\n

Try avoiding bread for a while and keep a diary to see if this helps your condition (note that gluten is found in many more foods as well though!).<\/p>\n

\"\"20. \u00a0Cabbage<\/h3>\n

Cabbage is a lactic acid<\/a> food which can encourage the production of amino acids to stimulate blood flow to the stomach lining.<\/p>\n

This can help to strengthen the stomach lining and combat various causes of diarrhea as a result. What\u2019s more though, is that cabbage is also a great source of bulk that is easy to digest and which is high in vitamin C.<\/p>\n

Vitamin C is useful for combating H. pylori infections.<\/p>\n

\"\"21. \u00a0Carrot Soup<\/h3>\n

Soup<\/a> is another good option for anyone who is struggling to stay hydrated during their diarrhea or struggling to digest foods.<\/p>\n

This is soft and highly nutritious, as well as being warming to provide some comfort for the stomach.<\/p>\n

Better yet, carrots are high in vitamin A as well as vitamin U \u2013 the little known anti-peptic ulcer factor which can help to reduce stomach ulcers and some other conditions linked with diarrhea.<\/p>\n\r\n
