The digestive system of the body is complicated. It starts as soon as you put food in your mouth and begin chewing. Your body then works through the food and pulls out all of the nutrients that are necessary to keep your body up and running properly. Once all of the nutrients from your food are taken, a bowel movement will take place in order to rid the body of all of the unused products. Typically, your bowel movements will be brown in color. This is from bilirubin and bile. Bilirubin is a byproduct of red blood cells and is produced in the liver. It then combines with bile in the gallbladder. While your poop is typically brown, it can be in other colors as well. The size, consistency, odor, and color can be different each time you produce. Here are some common reasons your poop might be yellow.
1. Liver Disorders
One of the reasons that your bowel movements might come out a different color other than brown is because of an issue with your liver. Your liver is a filter for your body. If you are filling your body with foods and beverages that are not good for you, there can be a lot of toxins that have to be removed. This can cause your liver to have to work extra hard to rid your body of toxins. Alcohol is one of the main items that can cause your liver to work overtime and cause damage to this important organ. Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver are both diseases that will eliminate or greatly reduce the number of bile salts produced in the liver. Bile salts help to digest food and absorb nutrients from it. If you have one of these health issues or if your liver is simply not healthy, you might be seeing stool that is yellow in color.