Broca’s Aphasia is a condition that causes a person to lose part or all of their ability to speak and communicate clearly. It can affect everyone differently. Some people lose the ability to speak completely. Others can only say part of a word. Some people are able to speak slightly but struggle to comprehend words being said or read to them. They may not be able to read or comprehends the words they are reading. They may also not be able to write.
There are many things that can cause this condition, and people can suffering from it for a short period of time or long-term. Knowing the cause of Broca’s Aphasia can help diagnose it and determine if a person can benefit from treatment. Some people are able to overcome the condition, and others will suffer from it throughout their lives.
Here are the eight most common causes of Broca’s Aphasia.
1. Brain Tumor
Brain tumors can take a serious toll on a person, and it’s no surprise that they affect the way they understand information and process it. When a brain tumor is on or near the Broca portion of the brain, I can affect the way a person talks, or how they understand words they hear or read. Many people don’t know they have a brain tumor until they experience Broca’s Aphasia and undergo testing to determine the cause of it.
Other people may be diagnosed with a brain tumor and not experience Broca’s Aphasia until it grows or has been in place for a long time. In some cases, surgeons can remove the tumor, and people may recover from the condition.
If the tumor cannot be removed or if the damage can’t be reversed, the patient may have to learn how to live with the condition and find a way to communicate in spite of it.