Scarlet fever was considered to be a severe childhood disease in the past. However, this disease is now fairly easy to treat and the prognosis for a full recovery is quite good. Scarlet fever is most common in children aged five to fifteen, but adults are not immune to this disease. There are several common symptoms that are associated with having scarlet fever. The most notable is a rash that occurs all over the body.
If the disease is treated early the prognosis is very good. Antibiotics are typically prescribed by a doctor to help fight off this infection. Since it is important to get treatment for scarlet fever early it is important to know the symptoms of the illness so that an early diagnosis can be provided and treatment can be started right away. Here are some of the uncomfortable symptoms that are associated with scarlet fever.
1. Sore Throat
Scarlet fever is caused by bacteria entering the body. The bacteria that causes a person to develop strep throat is the same one that causes a person to develop scarlet fever. For this reason, most people who suffer from scarlet fever will have a throat that is very sore. In some cases, the throat may have white patches or strips of pus that are very visible.
These patches of pus can make it difficult for the person to swallow anything. Typically, a sore throat that is caused by streptococcus will come on quickly. It is extremely contagious as the bacteria can spread through the droplets produced by sneezing and coughing or even from the person’s saliva left on a utensil. A person is contagious at about 12 hours after being exposed to the bacteria until twelve hours after the fever has gone down. It is important to rest and stay away from people when suffering from a sore throat.