Nowadays you’ll find kale present in every other recipe. You walk down the street and see someone drinking a kale smoothie, turn the corner and see someone holding a bag of kale chips, then reach your office and see your coworker eating a kale salad. If you’re one of those people who like to stay up to date on the latest health trends, you’re likely already familiar with all the benefits that kale has to offer.
That said, if you haven’t been in the loop on all the latest information about kale, we’re here to catch you up on everything that you need to know. You might think the hype is misplaced, but we’re here to educate you on all the nutritious facts of kale so that you can see why everyone is going gaga over this green superfood. Without further adieu, here are eight of the best health benefits that kale has to offer.
1. Digestion
Kale is made out of fibrous material which makes it great for helping with digestion, much like other leafy greens. An important thing to remember when you’re eating kale is that the stems are edible, and are actually great for your health if you eat them.
The stems have high levels of probiotics — which will increase the numbers of good flora in your gut. While kale stems can be a bit tough when they’re raw, you can achieve a crunchier texture when you saute them in olive oil or avocado along with some sea salt. Seeing as kale is high in fiber content and holds probiotics, it’s definitely a great choice if you’re struggling to beat diarrhea.
Fiber and probiotics can both help regulate bowel movements and get you on a more natural schedule that will keep your digestive system healthy. Irregular bowel movements are one of the main causes of poor digestion.