If you were animating a character in a cartoon and you wanted to make them look stressed, there are a few different ways you might go about achieving that. One way would be to give them a big throbbing vein on their forehead. Another way might be to make their eye twitch incessantly.
Yes, eye twitching is often associated with stress and in some cases that is indeed the cause. But actually there are a number of different things that could be causing it.
If you’re sitting in a meeting or on a date and your eye starts twitching, it can be a rather awkward moment. What’s more, is that eye twitching can get uncomfortable and can be somewhat distracting. It’s not exactly a good thing if you’re driving…
For all these reasons, you might be keen to get to the bottom of exactly what is causing your eye twitching so that you can solve the problem. In this post, we’ll look at twenty different possible causes and one of these might be responsible…
1. Stress
The main cause of eye twitching is stress. This is very common in people who are undergoing chronic stress meaning that it ongoing.
Stress can be either acute or chronic. Acute stress is caused when you are afraid for your life, when you’re faced with a fire or when you’re in the middle of a vicious argument. Chronic stress on the other hand is caused by debt, by relationship problems or by illness – the kind of stress that just doesn’t go away!
At either rate, stress causes the muscles to contract slightly by releasing specific hormones and neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine. These can eventually lead to fatigue which can then be seen as your eyes twitching and shaking. The same can be seen in other parts of the body sometimes.
The solution? Either address the source of the stress by changing jobs, coming up with a budget, leaving home etc. or learn ways to better manage that stress. One of the best solutions of all is to practice meditation.