Burning sensations in your throat are usually caused by non-threatening ailments. That being said, there are some rare cases where a serious condition may be the root cause of the burning. In any case, it’s never fun to suffer from a burning throat. In fact, it’s outright torture for some. That being said, knowing what’s causing it can bring you some relief and may even help you treat it.
After all, uncertainty can be just as bad as a burning throat. There are quite a few things that can cause a burning throat. Today we’re going to take a look at eight of the most common causes for burning throat so that you can figure out which one is at the root of your suffering and take care of it before further complications arise. Without further adieu, let’s jump right in.
GERD is an acronym that stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease. It’s not hard to see why they shortened it. GERD is a rather common cause for burning throat, but what do you need to know about it? Well, first of all, there are various muscles between your esophagus and stomach that prevent the upward flow of acid into your throat. That being said, there can be a leak from time to time which leads to the acid getting up anyway.
This is what’s known as acid reflux. When the acid gets into your throat it’s gonna cause that burning sensation that you dread. You might also notice that the burning sensation extends to your chest in what is known as heartburn. GERD refers to acid refluxes that are severe, frequent, or both. Eating a big meal often worsens these symptoms — which is why GERD patients tend to eat small but frequent meals instead.