In general, following a balanced diet will work wonders for keeping leg cramps at bay, but there a few specific details that it’s worth exploring for the optimum results, particularly in the world of herbs.
Any foods or herbs that are rich in magnesium will be good for leg cramps as magnesium is brilliant at helping to relax the muscles naturally. It is also true that things like chamomile and fennel leaves can help to alleviate spasms if taken at the right time and in the right quantity.
When it comes to the different types of medicines produced by the big pharmaceutical companies, they used herbal remedies as their precursors and even as inspiration. This is true for current treatment options for a variety of ailments and so the use of herbs is not something that should surprise anyone. If anything, the use of herbs to treat leg cramping is a sign that people are returning back to nature, seeking the power of Mother Earth in her truest, most natural form.
Here are some herbs which can help with leg cramps.
1. Cramp bark
The use of cramp bark is something which might surprise a few people, given that it is a little known and even lesser-used herb. Interestingly though, cramp bark is something that is up there with the most powerful of natural remedies.
For people who feel that they have muscle spasms coming on or anticipate them coming on in the near future, taking cramp bark can be extremely effective. Perhaps it’s all in the name, it does have the word cramped in there. Now, this is the section where you’d expect to read a semi-interesting anecdote about how cramp bark got its name. Perhaps it was during the Napoleonic wars or on the battlefields of World War 2.
Unfortunately, no stories like this exist and any decent ones are yet to be made up, so try this on for size. Cramp bark gets its name from the time when someone used it to relieve a leg cramp and it worked. The end.