There is a growing concern about toxins in our environment, the food we eat, and the air we breathe. These toxins also exist in our water. Our bodies are comprised of 70% water and we need to consume liquids on a steady basis to maintain general health. If most of these liquids are tainted with environmental toxins, chlorine, and minerals that are not in a form our bodies can readily absorb, any other measures we may take to improve our health can be offset by a steady consumption of impure water.
There are many ways to distill water through a water filter you can purchase in a supermarket or, for better results, a water filtration system installed in the home. Having a steady supply of distilled water has numerous benefits on your family’s health and even the condition of your car and the air inside your home.
1. Drinking
The most obvious use of distilled water is drinking, of course. Health experts recommend drinking plenty of water to hydrate the body, flush out impurities, and improve general health. However, what is the point of flushing out impurities with impure water?
It would be like trying to clean your windows with dirty mop water. Distilling water helps neutralize the toxins and impurities that are present in regular tap water. Many people argue that tap water contains a variety of minerals that are good for the body.
However, the form of these minerals in tap water is different than the form they exist in the foods we eat. Magnesium, zinc, and calcium sound good, but in tap water, they are derived from rocks and are not easy for our body to absorb and promote health. It is better to get these minerals from food than tap water.