If you have high blood pressure, then it is highly important that you look for ways to lower it as soon as you can. High blood pressure works just like high pressure in your plumbing: it means there’s a build up of force within a closed system that can place a strain on that system. If this becomes too great, it can end up causing some part of that system to break and very often this will mean leading to a heart attack or a stroke.
Fortunately, there are plenty of methods you can use to lower high blood pressure and many of these will involve fixing you diet. Diet is one of the key causes of high blood pressure and is responsible for much of the makeup of not only your blood but also your body as a whole.
If you have high blood pressure then, you should seek to alter your diet ASAP. Here are 20 foods to add to it for the best outcome.
1. Tuna
Tuna is an incredible health food and will find itself on a ton of lists like this one. Apart from being an excellent lean source of protein, it is also a great way to get omega 3 fatty acid. This is an essential fatty acid that has a ton of positive effects on the body, including lowering blood pressure.
One way omega 3 does this is by being used in the construction of cells. Specifically, it is used when building cell walls which allows them to become more flexible and permeable. This keeps the blood vessels similarly less rigid and even lubricates them to an extent.