Oral thrush is a common health condition that’s characterized by a clear white rash that usually appears on the tongue, at the back of the throat and in the inside of the mouth; the rash that defines the condition is caused by a type of bacteria, and it commonly spreads itself over the tongue, the back of the throat and the insides of the mouth.
While the condition is generally considered to be harmless, it can sometimes lead to discomfort and pain in the form of a sore throat, and unless the cause for the condition is eliminated it tends to be a condition that will recur every few weeks or months whenever someone is exposed to any potential risk factors for oral thrush.
The condition is usually to easy to treat with topical ointment or oral antibiotics.
Here are 8 risk factors for oral thrush that you should know.
1. Medication Use
One of the biggest possible risk factors for developing oral thrush can be medication use, and there are many types of chronic medications that potentially list oral thrush as one of the most common side-effects. Just one common type of medication that’s known for causing oral thrush in people who use it for several different years are asthma medications – and with chronic asthma medication use (especially inhalers which can leave residue behind in the back of the throat) oral thrush is very common.
Oral thrush can usually be treated with the application of an oral medication, although with the chronic use of asthma medication sometimes a glass of water after the use of an inhaler can be recommended in order to remove the residue that gets trapped in the back of the throat and reduce the chances of developing thrush.
In extreme cases, switching to another medication can be recommended.