One of the most common causes of pain in the shoulder is shoulder bursitis. This condition is often referred to as rotator cuff tendonitis. It is also called impingement syndrome. This condition is characterized by the rotator cuff tendons becoming inflamed.
The bursa that cushions the shoulder may also be inflamed. Some of the common symptoms of shoulder bursitis include pain when moving the shoulder in certain positions, shooting pain down the arm, and pain during the night that can wake you up from sleep.
The pain that radiates from the shoulder may also cause the arm to become numb. While shoulder bursitis can be painful, the good news is that there are some simple treatment options available that can help provide relief from the pain that you are experiencing. Here are 8 ways that you can naturally treat shoulder bursitis in order to alleviate the pain and give you some relief.
1. Immobilize the Shoulder
When you are suffering from acute shoulder pain one of the first steps that you need to take is to decrease the inflammation that is occurring in the tendons of the rotator cuff. One of the ways to do this is to follow this simple rule, if a certain movement of your arm or shoulder causes you pain, stop doing it. One of the best ways to help your shoulder is to immobilize it.
You can do this by using a special arm sling. Even if you are only experiencing pain when you lift your arm over your head, wearing a sling to immobilize your arm will ensure that you do not accidentally move your arm in the wrong way and injury your shoulder further. In addition, wearing a sling while you sleep can help to protect your shoulder during the night. Resting your shoulder is one of the best ways to give it the time that it needs in order to heal.