Sacroiliitis is a common health condition that causes inflammation of the sacroiliac joint, which is found in the hips and connects the sacrum and the ileum. Symptoms that are usually associated with a diagnosis of sacroiliitis can include pain and discomfort felt in the hips, as well as radiating pain throughout the legs.
If you suspect that you might have sacroiliac inflammation, make an appointment with your doctor and mention all of the associated symptoms that you have been experiencing. The condition is considered treatable, and can usually be managed with the simple addition of anti-inflammatory medications and NSAIDs to control pain together with a few lifestyle adaptations.
The lifestyle adaptations are to cut out any factors and activities that can potentially aggravate existing sacroiliac pain. They aren’t considered to be major adaptations by any means but can make sacroiliac pain and inflammation easier to deal with.
Here are 8 daily activities that can aggravate sacroiliac pain and inflammation.
1. Standing for Long Periods of Time
Standing up for long periods of time can be one of the most common factors that are known for making pain associated with sacroiliac joint pain worse. This is because of the fact that it places added pressure on the already-inflamed joint, increasing the discomfort and pain felt.
Sometimes this pain will radiate through to both hips and legs, other times only one. It might also manifest with tingling or numbness, and in some cases moves towards the associated neck, back and shoulder pain along with this.
Standing for long periods of time is often associated with many careers where it’s a necessity, such as working in the service industry. Wearing the wrong type of shoes for your body can also add to the pain and discomfort.
If this is the case, make an appointment with your doctor and various periods of standing up with periods of resting the joints more where possible.