Cilantro is one of the oldest spices in the world, which makes it so important because it has healing properties. Cilantro is also known as coriander. The coriander plant has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Cilantro is full of vitamins and minerals, including fiber, iron, and magnesium.
Cilantro is good to add in with your favorite dishes because it lowers your sodium intake. It is also a good spice to use when you’re having an ailment and don’t have the money to buy over-the-counter medicine. You can grow cilantro at home so that whenever you need it, all you have to do is cut it off. You can still reap the benefits of consuming it in foods. There are eight home remedies that you can do that include using cilantro that you may have never thought of using it for. Once you know the home remedies, you’ll save a ton of money.
1. Cilantro can help with digestion
Cilantro can help with digestion. You’ll need about a couple of teaspoons of cilantro juice and mix it with buttermilk. Whenever you don’t feel like eating because you’re feeling nauseous or have a lack of appetite, make this and you should notice a difference in how you feel. Some people have a problem digesting their food and they need to seek medical treatment in order to get relief.
All you have to do is to use a few pieces of cilantro, chew it up and you should feel better. It is ideal to make a juice out of it, so it can get to your stomach quicker versus just chewing it. If you can’t locate buttermilk, just use plain water. It’ll work just as well. Natural solutions work just as well or even better than products loaded with chemicals. You won’t have to deal with the side effects when using natural solutions.