Uremia is an extremely complex and serious complication that can occur as a result of kidney disease or following an episode of acute kidney failure, which is most commonly referred to as renal failure.
The complication known as uremia occurs when there is a build-up of things in the body like urea and other waste products. This build-up is allowed to occur as the kidneys are lacking the functionality to rid the body of them.
A person who may have uremia will experience a number of symptoms along the road to diagnosis. Because many of these symptoms are not exclusive to uremia, the complication can be a tricky thing to diagnose for doctors and so being ready with a keen eye is always helpful.
One of the following symptoms in isolation may not be anything to worry about, but a combination could be indicative of the presence of uremia.
1. Nausea
Uremia can knock a person sick, there is no doubt about that. Feeling nauseous whilst coping with the other related symptoms of uremia is nothing unusual, in fact, it’s fairly typical for sufferers of the complication and can be extremely unpleasant.
It has been likened to the sickly feeling that often comes with a hangover, following a night of heavy drinking, but the issue with this type of nausea is that it doesn’t tend to go away with lots of water and a nice and hearty meal. This type of nausea can linger for days and even weeks, making a person feel extremely sick and weary.
There is inevitably going to be interruptions to a person’s daily life with this level of nausea such as days off work and difficulty driving. Feeling sick is never something to be enjoyed, but feeling sick as a result of uremia takes that to a different level.