There are a number of things that can cause dizziness as mentioned but among the most common is incorrect breathing. If you are breathing incorrectly, then this can result in your getting too much or not enough oxygen to the brain. This in turn causes feelings of dizziness and being ‘light headed’. A good solution is to practice proper breathing and to do this, you need to understand what proper breathing is.
In short, most of us breathe with our chests. If you put your hands on your stomach and chest and then breathe in, you may find that your chest moves first.
This is wrong. In actual fact, the stomach should move first which opens up the lower portion of the lungs, allowing for a deeper draw of air inward. Focus on doing this by first relaxing the abdomen and letting the diaphragm drop into the abdominal cavity. Then let your lungs fill from the bottom upward and end by puffing the chest out as you breathe in.
Count slowly as you do this, holding each breath in and out for the same amount of time.