3. Stress
This can be one of the main triggers in the sense that when you’re stressed, it can cause a psoriasis flare-up. The American Academy of Dermatology says that stress is an environmental factor that should be managed in order to avoid triggers, even though psoriasis itself remains primarily a genetic disease.
Because stress impacts on the immune system, and suppressed or malfunctioning is related to psoriasis, recent research is showing exactly just how clear the link between stress and psoriasis is. In fact, many sufferers experience their first flare-up during a period of great anxiety. Worry further lowers immunity, which explains why the condition is worse during this time.
Sufferers are advised to manage stress with activity and to minimize stress-associated behaviors such as drinking, smoking, and drug-taking. If you have the condition, make sure coworkers, friends, and family understand it. If you are criticized your self-esteem may take a knock, causing upset and a flare-up.