2. Avoid too much bed rest
Almost in contradiction to the previous tip, this one advises people suffering from lumbar radiculopathy to avoid taking too much bed rest as it can actually be counterproductive.
Some bed rest might be a good idea, but staying in bed for too long can cause the muscles to relax too much and weaken. This can make recovery much more complicated as the muscles in the back become used to not having to work as hard as they might have previously been expected to.
It can sometimes seem like hard work for a person suffering from lumbar radiculopathy just to be upright, and therefore it can almost seem unkind to deny them the chance to lie in their bed, but the truth is that it really wouldn’t do them too much good in the long run.
A little bed rest might be a good idea in the early stages, but keeping things moving might be a much more appropriate long term solution.