2. Allergy Testing
Medical science does not understand the mechanism responsible for the development of eczema in patients. However, this does not stop physicians from developing a hypothesis of their assumptions on what causes the condition.
The digestive system is home to 70-percent of the immune system, and it’s for this reason that doctors look at what the patient is eating before they confirm a diagnosis of the condition.
Your doctor may decide to test you for allergens, alongside recommending an elimination diet. Some people may not experience physical symptoms of food allergies, but they may exhibit signs of digestive sensitivity toward the food that results in the accumulation of toxins that could lead to an outbreak of eczema.
Conducting an allergen test helps the physician to rule out any possible allergies as a cause of the patient’s eczema. When used alongside an elimination diet, this technique proves useful at restoring balance in the patient’s digestive system.