Most people know that their diet plays an important role when it comes to developing heart disease. There are some foods that increase the risk of developing congestive heart failure more than others. Changing your eating habits can be tough, even though you know that what you are eating may not be the best for you.
If you have years of unhealthy eating habits that you are trying to change or you just want to fine-tune your diet to make it more heart-healthy, getting started can be the hardest part. It can also be difficult to know exactly what you should be eating on a heart-healthy diet.
Once you understand what foods you should be eating more of and which ones you should be eating less of, eating a heart-healthy diet can be easy. Here are 8 diet tips to help you prevent congestive heart failure.
1. Portion Size
One of the most important things that you can do that is actually quite simple is to control your portion sizes. Overloading your plate and eating seconds or eating until you do not feel well can lead to you eating way more calories than you should be and way more than you need.
Portions that are served in restaurants are often much more than what anyone needs. To help you control your portions use a small plate or a bowl. You should eat larger portions of nutrient-rich foods that are low in calories such as fruits and vegetables. Refined or processed foods should be kept to a minimum.
Make sure that you keep track of the number of portions that you eat and eat the recommended number of servings of each food group based on the diet that you are on. Taking this simple step can go a long way in controlling the amount of food that you are eating and can help you lose weight.