Dandelions spread readily throughout fields and yards, making them a gardener’s worst nightmare. Landscapers treat the flower as a pest, removing them from flowerbeds before the dandelions have the opportunity to seed and spread throughout the garden.
Instead of using toxic weed killers to remove dandelions, try harvesting them instead of killing them off. The dried and chopped greens and roots of the dandelion make an herbal tea with potent health benefits.
The greens of the dandelion help resolve urinary tract and liver issues, while the roots have a regenerative and detoxifying effect on the liver. Crush the roots and leaves in a food processor and then add them to a coffee grinder to turn it into a powder.
Add the powder to a crockpot with some water and let it simmer with the lid on for 45-minutes to an hour. Consume one cup of the dandelion tea three times daily for the best results. You can store your tea leftovers in the fridge for up to three days. Here are eight health benefits of drinking dandelion tea.
1 Boosts Immune Function
Our immune system is responsible for preventing and fighting infection. People who are living with a weakened immune system, run the risk of contracting more diseases due to their inability to fend off the infection.
There are various reasons for weakened immune function, including mineral and vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune disorders, and digestive disorders. Since most of the immune system resides in the digestive system, you can improve your immune response by changing your diet and consuming dandelion tea.
Research shows that the roots of dandelion possess potent antimicrobial and antiviral properties. The polyphenol antioxidants found in dandelion root powder help bolster the immune system by reducing inflammation in the gut, allowing the biomes to absorb more nutrients from the food we eat.
Studies show that by consuming dandelion root powder in a tea, patients reduce a viruses’ ability to replicate while preventing the spread and growth of harmful bacteria. Drinking a few cups of dandelion tea every day at the start of the flu season is an effective means of boosting your immune health for the coming flu season.