Abdominal pain is one of the most common ailments; most people will experience this type of pain at some point in their lives. Also known as stomach pain, abdominal pain can affect any part of the abdomen or the belly; however, perhaps the most commonly affected area is the lower quadrant or the lower half […]
14 Simple Ways to Strengthen Ankle Ligaments
Ankle ligaments can easily be damaged when playing sports. It is important to know what to do when you injure your ankle ligaments. It can cause instability and make it difficult for you to walk. If you don’t know what to do in order to get your ankle ligaments back to where they need to […]
14 Things to Avoid With SI Joint Dysfunction
The SI joins, or sacroiliac joins are found between the iliac bones and other soft tissue. They are found at the top of the buttocks and near the bottom of the spine on each side of the body. A lot of things can cause SI joint dysfunction, including overuse and injuries. Sometimes something as simple […]
14 Ways to Prevent Torn Meniscus
A torn meniscus is also sometimes referred to as a ‘cartilage tear’. The meniscus is specifically the piece of cartilage that lives between your femur (thighbone) and your shinbone. There are two menisci in each leg, found around the knee joint and their job is to help lubricate and cushion the movement of the knee […]
14 Natural Ways to Treat Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Myofascial pain syndrome is a common health condition that causes pain, swelling and associated knots in the connective tissue which surrounds the muscles (also referred to as the fascia). Pain and discomfort associated with myofascial pain syndrome can be severe, and it can often get in the way of life and work during times of […]
14 Effortless Ways to Strengthen Your Knee Ligaments
Most of us know just how useful and important it can be to train our muscles. Many of us, therefore, spend large amounts of time in the gym, curling, pushing, and throwing weights around. But while this will help you to get a superhero-esque physique, using weights on its own won’t necessarily protect you against […]